Pistii in the aquarium

The plant is very often seen in aquariums. It is one of the species floating on the surface of the water. She is undemanding to the conditions of the environment, well accustomed and very adorns the artificial pond.

Contents of aquarium pistil

The view of Pistia for its green leaves, growing immediately from the roots without a brightly expressed stem, was also called "water salad" or "water cabbage". Pistia refers to plants floating freely on the water surface, which give roots that are not fixed in the ground. Pistia can grow quite rapidly and reach a height of 10-15 cm under favorable conditions of maintenance.

The main requirement for the cultivation of the aquarium plant Pistia is a long light day. Water salad is light-loving and requires staying in the sun for at least 12 hours a day. Therefore, aquariums, where pistia grows, it is recommended to equip with a lighting system. To the state of water and its temperature, pistia is not so whimsical and is ready to withstand fluctuations in these parameters.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing pistia

The main advantage of breeding this plant in the aquarium is its beneficial effect on the state of water. Pistia does not allow the formation of a film of microalgae on the surface, it saturates the water with oxygen and cleans it of the products of the vital activity of fish. In the roots of pistil can hide small fish, as well as fry.

The disadvantage of the same dilution of water cabbage for many owners of the aquarium is its not very favorable effect on other plants in the pond. With enough wide leaf blades, pistil shadows most of the aquarium, so that plants below the surface of the water may simply not have enough light. The output is a periodic thinning of the pistil and leaving only a small number of plants in a certain place of the aquarium.