Types of diabetes mellitus

This fact is little known, but for a long time different types of diabetes mellitus were referred to different diseases. They shared one thing in common: an increase in the level of sugar in the blood. To date, there are new details that explain the appearance of this ailment.

Diabetes mellitus of the first type

Type 1 diabetes, or insulin-dependent, is very rare and accounts for 5-6% of the total number of people with diabetes. The disease can be called hereditary, some scientists explain it by a mutation of a certain gene responsible for producing the pancreas of insulin. There are suggestions that the diabetes is of a viral origin, but no doctor can name the exact reason. Directly to the development of the disease leads to a loss in the pancreas of the ability to produce a hormone insulin, which is responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes in the body. First of all, it affects the level of glucose in the blood, but the disease affects absolutely all systems. Violated water-salt balance, the general hormonal background, the assimilation of food and nutrients.

Typically, type 1 diabetes manifests itself in childhood and adolescence, so the second name for the disease is "juvenile diabetes." The patient needs insulin injections.

Diabetes of the second type

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is caused by the fact that insulin, properly produced by the pancreas, ceases to be absorbed by the body, that is, it begins to regulate the blood sugar and other parameters of its composition worse. The disease also has a hereditary nature, but it can also be caused by secondary factors. In the risk group are such categories of the population:

Since insulin is produced by the body, there is no need to introduce it artificially. Treatment of this type of diabetes involves the use of medications responsible for the absorption of insulin by the body and the regulation of glucose levels.

Gestational diabetes mellitus

How many types of diabetes do you know? In fact, the disease has more than 20 different manifestations and each of them can be designated as a separate disease. But the most common forms are type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as gestational diabetes , sometimes called type 3 diabetes. It is about increasing the blood sugar in pregnant women. After birth, the situation is normalized.