When is chickenpox contagious?

Almost all people still have chickenpox when they are young. Nevertheless, chicken pox can also hit an adult who has not had it before. In this case, the clinical picture of the disease is particularly difficult.

At what point is chickenpox contagious?

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Note that transmission of the virus is possible long before the appearance of characteristic symptoms of pathology. We will understand when the chickenpox is contagious, and at what point contact with the patient does not threaten infection:

  1. The incubation period is counted from the moment of introduction of the virus into the body and lasts 10-20 days. Already at this time, you can catch the virus, although its carrier does not experience malaise.
  2. Prodromal period takes 1-2 days and is characterized by the manifestation of the initial symptoms of chickenpox, reminiscent of the SARS.
  3. Further on, the skin of a contagious person appears watery small rashes. The duration of this period is 3-5 days, but in severe cases, the rash may be present on the body for up to 10 days.
  4. The recovery period is accompanied by the drying out of the rash. As a rule, this process takes up to 5 days.

If you calculate how long it takes from the moment a person becomes infected before the rash disappears, you can find out when you are infected with a chickenpox.

It turns out that the period when chickenpox is contagious can last up to almost 40 days. However, doctors do not charge the hospital for more than 2 weeks. Why is this happening?

When does chickenpox stop being infectious?

In fact, doctors consider several factors:

  1. First of all, the incubation period is asymptomatic and a person infected with chickenpox appeals for help when the virus has already started its violent activity in the body.
  2. Chickenpox is considered to be non-contagious from the moment when new watery vesicles cease to appear. Since that time, the patient is no longer able to infect others.
  3. The hospital for 2 weeks is prescribed in case of a mild form of chicken pox. If the pathology is severe and accompanied by high fever , the infected will spend more time at home. It is possible that the treatment will take place in a stationary infectious department, since chickenpox in adults often leads to serious complications.

Is it possible to avoid the risk of getting infected? An adult man suffers from chickenpox extremely rarely due to strong formed immunity. If you are afraid of the risk of infection, you can vaccinate.