What is cholesterol, and how to maintain its level in the norm?

It is very important to understand what cholesterol is, because in the last decade, so much attention has been paid to it. In some countries, for example, in the USA, even for a while there was hysteria due to this "dangerous" substance. People firmly believed that it was the cause of all their diseases. However, this is only a fraction of the truth.

What is cholesterol in the blood?

To clarify this will help the meaning of the term used. From the ancient Greek language to Russian "χολή" - "bile" and "στερεός" - "hard". In other words, it is a lipophilic alcohol. The role of cholesterol in the human body is great:

  1. Participates in the formation of bile, without which food is not digested.
  2. It is part of the cell membranes.
  3. Takes part in the synthesis of cortisone - a hormone necessary for the proper metabolism of the substance .
  4. Transport cells to different substances, bind harmful compounds and remove them from the body.
  5. Cholesterol is involved in the production of sex hormones .

This organic substance, like all fats, is insoluble in water. Almost 80% of cholesterol is produced by the body and only 20% comes from consumed food. In the blood, this organic compound is present in the form of lipoproteins. There are several groups of transport proteins:

What is LDL cholesterol?

In the common people it is called "bad." About 70% of the cholesterol contained in the blood plasma refers to LDL. This connection is very important for the body, as it ensures its normal functioning. However, if the level of low density lipoproteins exceeds the norm, this is already dangerous. Because of this imbalance, the cardiovascular system may suffer. For this reason, it is very important to know what is low density cholesterol to those who are disposed to the development of these pathologies.

Lipoproteins of this group differ in small sizes. The diameter of such protein-fat particles is 18-26 nm. Due to this they can freely penetrate into the vascular system. When in the blood the concentration of such compounds exceeds the norm, they tend to accumulate on the endothelium of the capillaries, veins and arteries, forming cholesteric plaques. To assess the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other serious cardiovascular diseases, special blood tests are performed.

What is HDL cholesterol?

To many it is known as "good". These particles are considered to be the smallest. The diameter does not exceed 11 nm. In their composition, the lion's share is in the protein part, while the fat content is insignificant. It is important to understand what high-density cholesterol is, because this compound plays an important role in health. Such lipoproteins clean the vessels of fat deposits that accumulate on their surface. These particles are very bright. They capture the lipid "garbage" and carry it to the hepatocytes. Here, "sor" is converted to fatty acids, and then it is excreted through the digestive tract.

What is cholesterol?

This indicator sums up the "good" and "bad" particles. The concentration of both substances should be normal. Both low value and high index are dangerous. Such an imbalance can provoke serious consequences. For this reason, it is important for the patient to understand what cholesterol is in the blood test. The doctor will help him to cope with this difficult task.

How to know the level of cholesterol in the blood?

To determine the concentration of such a substance in the body, a lipidogram is prescribed. Venous blood is used for this study. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor will explain to the patient not only what is cholesterol, but also whether it is normal. Simultaneously, they study and compare the indices of LDL and HDL. This allows the doctor to assess the risk of atherosclerotic changes in the body.

Before determining the level of cholesterol in the blood, the patient will be advised to prepare for the analysis. He should make such adjustments:

  1. The analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach, so breakfast will have to be postponed for later. In addition, after the last meal should take at least 10 hours.
  2. A few days before the examination, fatty meals should be excluded from the diet.
  3. The result is influenced by medications taken (especially NSAIDs, omega-3, vitamins). If the patient regularly consumes such drugs, he should inform the doctor about it. The doctor knows what cholesterol is and what effect these medicines have on his level, so some of them may be advised to temporarily give up.
  4. Half an hour before the test, you can not smoke.
  5. Before entering the office, where blood sampling is carried out, you should calm down as much as possible.

Cholesterol in humans

This organic compound is calculated in millimoles per liter of blood. The minimum and maximum values ​​are established for HDL and LDL. In this interval, there is cholesterol in the blood of a healthy person. Norms vary. Their size depends on such factors:

Cholesterol in women

Throughout life, the performance of this organic compound is changing. Thus, the level of cholesterol in a thirty-year-old lady will be lower than that of a forty-year-old woman. This is due to the fact that at a younger age the metabolic metabolism is rapid, so that LDL does not accumulate in the blood vessels. However, during pregnancy there is a change in the hormonal background in the body of a future mother. This leads to an increase in the content of lipoproteins in the woman's blood.

Cholesterol in men

Visually determine whether within the permissible limits is the indicator of this organic compound in the representative of the stronger sex, it is impossible. Obtain reliable results by using a biochemical blood test. The cholesterol rate for men varies according to age. The older the person, the higher his maximum permissible values ​​of lipoproteins.

Cholesterol in children

Elevated levels of lipoproteins are found not only in adulthood. Children are also prone to this. For this reason, it is important for parents to know what the cholesterol rate is in the child and whether the actual value of the indicator is within acceptable limits. The doctor will help them to understand this question. He will explain what cholesterol is and analyze the results. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the corrective therapy for the child.

High cholesterol

If HDL is more than normal, this is in most cases considered normal, since there is no maximum concentration for such an organic compound. It is believed that the more high-density lipoproteins in the blood, the lower the risk of cardiovascular pathologies. However, sometimes this imbalance can indicate a violation of the metabolism of fats. This is more common when:

The increase in LDL is a serious danger. For this reason, doctors strongly recommend that you take the lipidogram every year to anyone who has reached the age of thirty, and obese people. This is how dangerous high LDL cholesterol is:

  1. It provokes the development of coronary heart disease .
  2. Reduces blood flow to the brain. As a result, transient ischemic attacks may occur.
  3. Produces atherosclerotic changes in the heart muscle.
  4. It provokes blockage of blood vessels, which can cause stenosis, aneurysm or thrombosis.
  5. It is the cause of a stroke or heart attack .

Causes of High Blood Cholesterol

The increase in low density lipoproteins may have been caused by various factors. The causes of increased cholesterol are more often:

  1. Unbalanced food - fatty fried foods, the use of semi-finished products, foods that contain a lot of trans fats (baking, cream, hard cheeses and so on).
  2. Heredity - for example, hypercholesterolemia can be transmitted from parents to children.
  3. A sedentary lifestyle - scientifically proven that hypotension provokes a decrease in HDL and an increase in LDL.
  4. Admission of certain drugs - to reduce the level of "good" cholesterol can corticosteroids, contraceptives and other drugs.
  5. Obesity - provokes the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

In addition, the increase in cholesterol can be triggered by such diseases:

High cholesterol - what to do?

To normalize the level of lipoproteins, medicines of such groups can be prescribed:

Decreased cholesterol and moderate exercise. They must be selected individually. For some patients, an optimal option will be a half-hour run. Others are only able to walk on foot. It is important that with such physical activity, the pulse rate does not increase by more than 80%. Useful and breathing exercises. It helps to saturate the body with oxygen and normalize metabolic processes.

In addition, a decrease in LDL provides a normal weight. Even for those who are not obese, attention should be paid to their nutrition: it must be balanced. You need small portions and often. The menu is important to enrich with such products:

Advocates of alternative medicine also know what elevated cholesterol is, so they recommend in the fight against it to use such medicinal plants:

Low cholesterol

Threatening is not only an increase, but a decrease in the indices of lipoproteins. This is how dangerous low HDL cholesterol is:

  1. It provokes the development of depression or nervous overexcitation.
  2. It is fraught with miscarriage during pregnancy.
  3. Causes a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.
  4. May cause infertility caused by a deficiency of sex hormones.
  5. It provokes the development of hypoxia in the fetus and hypovitaminosis or rickets in a baby.

Low cholesterol in the blood - causes

If the index of HDL is lower than normal, this indicates that the body has such pathological conditions:

There is also a lowered LDL cholesterol. It is no less dangerous than an increased indicator. Low cholesterol in the blood is observed with such ailments:

Low cholesterol - what to do?

If dyslipidemia is caused by internal pathologies, the indicator will return to normal immediately after the patient has completed the prescribed therapy. In addition, lowered cholesterol in the blood can be increased by correcting the way of life. Attention should be paid to such aspects:

  1. Get rid of bad habits. Abandonment of nicotine and alcohol abuse increases the HDL index by 15%.
  2. Normalize weight - with every extra kilogram, the pressure on the vessels and the heart muscle increases, which provokes the growth of LDL.
  3. Increase physical activity - walking, swimming, dancing, yoga are acceptable.

If a low level of cholesterol, raise it will help a therapeutic diet. The food should comply with the following principles:

  1. The diet should be rich in fiber - fruits and vegetables.
  2. It is important that the daily calorie covers the energy costs of the body.
  3. The amount of consumed fats should not exceed 25% of all calories received per day.
  4. Every day you should eat bran.
  5. The food should be fractional (in 5-6 receptions).