Bunion of knee joint

Bursitis of the knee joint is called an inflammatory disease. The disease affects the periarticular bags of the knee joint, and, as a result, they accumulate exudate. The knee is considered the most vulnerable, since it has a maximum load. Therefore, it is necessary to watch for health with special attention.

Causes of bursitis of the knee

Different factors can determine the beginning of the inflammatory process:

Common symptoms of knee bursitis

In most cases, the ailment immediately manifests itself somehow. But the signs of bursitis are not always clearly pronounced. The intensity of manifestations depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the neglect of the disease and many other factors.

To quickly get rid of bursitis of the knee joint, you need to contact a specialist immediately at the sight of such symptoms:

Types of bursitis of the knee joint

Before treating the bursitis of the goose-foot of the knee joint, it is necessary to determine what kind of disease one has to deal with. Inflammation can be such:

  1. Pre-patellar bursitis is usually located in the upper part of the joint. Symptoms of the disease are most pronounced when flexing and flexing the knee and are amplified when the load increases.
  2. With this form of bursitis of the knee joint, like Baker's cysts , sometimes an operation is needed. The disease is characterized by the formation of small balls in the popliteal fossa and the sudden blockage of the knee muscles.
  3. Inflammatory inflammation extends to the synovial bag.
  4. Septic bursitis develops against the background of infection.
  5. In the suprapatellar form of the disease, a soft round tumor forms on top of the knee, which can reach 10 cm in diameter.

How to treat bursitis of the knee joint?

In the early stages, complete rest and unloading of the knee can help. In other cases without special medications, physiotherapy procedures, compresses, massages, you can not do.

Most often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for treatment. Ointments help with bursitis of the knee joint:

For the drugs to function, they should be used in combination - in parallel with tablets and injections.

To start antibacterial therapy, it is necessary to make sure of the infectious origin of the disease and find out which microorganism triggered it.

Treatment of bursitis of the knee joint at home can be done as follows:

  1. Compresses from vegetables are effective. They are put on the night and are prepared from beets, cabbage, potatoes (alternately). Vegetables are cut into circles, applied to a sore spot and wrapped in a film with a handkerchief.
  2. Good results show coniferous baths.
  3. Removes inflammation and tea from celery. It is prepared simply - a glass of seeds is poured with boiling water and insists for an hour. Drink a drink twice a day for two weeks.
  4. Help and compresses with a tincture of propolis .