Chihuahua Dog

There are many legends and versions about the origin of the smallest chihuahua dog. Some suggest that it first appeared in China, others - that it comes from Europe. The most plausible version seems to be the Mexican origin of the Chihuahua. Supporters of her believe that the ancestor of the smallest dog of the Chihuahua was a sand techo. This tiny animal was considered sacred in the ancient Maya and Aztec tribes.

Despite its small size, the Chihuahua dog has a fairly strong and proportionate body structure. It is strong and agile, yet elegant and very neat. Weigh this crumb from 0,5 to 2,5 kg. A distinctive feature is a round head resembling an apple in shape. With the help of large standing ears, the dog not only hears well, but also expresses its emotions. In the case of curiosity or alertness, the ears of small chihuahua dogs become almost vertical, approaching each other. And if the animal feels the danger threatening him, his ears are folded like a fan, and fall on his back. Chihuahua breeds differ in the length of the wool cover: there are smooth-haired and long-haired dogs.

Chihuahua colors

The breed of chihuahua dogs is perhaps the richest for a variety of coat colors. The most popular is the red hair color of dogs. It can be either monophonic or mixed with white or black colors. Beautiful are not bright, but slightly weakened colors of wool: fawn, golden-pale, cream and their varieties. In such dogs, the nose and eyes are black. Some like black or black and tan with white colors. Spectacular are white chihuahua with various spots, as well as snow-white dogs. Not so long ago, there appeared fashionable, but still rare, chocolate, blue, tiger colors and their various variations.

All the colors of Chihuahua and their shades, except merle, are recognized throughout the world. Dogs of marble color or merle look very elegant. And unscrupulous breeders, using this unusual beauty, bred Chihuahua color merle, thereby violating the official ban.

Chihuahua with the color merle began to appear about 15 years ago. When the two merle males are mated, there are changes in the structure of the cell at the gene level and most often puppies in such litters are born by patients. They may have problems with vision, hearing, including partial or complete deafness. There are also various anomalies in the structure of the bone, reproductive system and heart. And if the puppy from the parents of merle is born outwardly healthy, then the hidden defects will necessarily appear with age. Therefore, mating chihuahua with the color merle in the whole world is forbidden by dog ​​handlers.

Character of a Chihuahua dog

A little dog with a funny facial expression and charming appearance quickly won the sympathy of all, even those who do not like dogs at all! He is an excellent friend and a devoted friend. She is very attached to all family members, but only her master can grow fond of. Despite its small growth, the Chihuahua bravely defends its home and family.

These independent and intelligent little dogs are perfectly trained. It is a common misconception that these are "sofa" dogs and they need to indulge in everything. If the owners do not teach the chihuahua puppy to understand the word "no", then soon they will have an absolutely uncontrollable being in their house.

However, although the Chihuahuas behave boldly and bravely, in fact, their character is very vulnerable and tender. When excited, frightened, or simply because the dog is sad, she suddenly begins to tremble. In addition, like any small animal, the chihuahuas very quickly all metabolic processes in the body, which, when amplified, cause such tremor. Therefore, treat attentively to your pet: it may be cold or it is frightened.

Chihuahua likes to walk and even travel. However, remember that the dog should not be released from a leash in crowded and noisy places. Even the most good-natured big dog can, without wishing to, seriously injure your baby!

Remember that taking a small chihuahua dog into the house, you need to take care of it and take care of it, regularly visit with the baby vet, give your pet as much time as possible. And then a small chihuahua dog will turn into your big and faithful friend.