Furunculosis - treatment

A furuncle (the popular name of a boil) is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, which affects surrounding tissues. The emergence of a multitude of furuncles at different stages of development is called furunculosis.

Furunculosis: is it contagious or not?

Most often, the cause of furunculosis is staphylococcal infection. Its passive carriers are about 40% of the population, but in the event that the organism is weakened by the infection, it can become more active, causing single or multiple purulent inflammations. In addition, the disease can recur, passing into a chronic form. In the latter case, getting rid of furunculosis forever is quite difficult, because you need to cure all boils and do additional treatment to prevent repeated infection of the body.

Given that staphylococcus easily spreads, furunculosis can be attributed to conditionally infectious diseases. That is, this bacterial infection is easy enough to get infected by the domestic route, but furunculosis does not always develop. With good, strong immunity, a person becomes a passive carrier of infection, sometimes even without suspecting it.

How to cure furunculosis?

Treatment of furunculosis can be divided into 2 directions: local, directed directly to the treatment of abscesses, and general, to combat infection and the causes that caused it.

First, let's look at how to treat furunculosis at home.

In this case, the treatment aims to accelerate the ripening and rupture of the abscess, and also to prevent the spread of infection:

  1. Lubricate each boil with an antiseptic agent 3-4 times a day. For wiping, you can use ordinary or salicylic alcohol, and wipe the skin gently, in a circle, from the edges to the center of the inflammation, to avoid the spread of infection. After this, it is desirable to lubricate the ripening furuncle with green tea or iodine.
  2. Apply warm dry compresses to the inflamed area, which will help to accelerate the maturation of the abscess.
  3. After the abscess has opened, it is necessary to treat it with an antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage.
  4. In no case can you open or squeeze out boils yourself, this can lead to the spread of infection to the deeper layers of the tissue, and, as a consequence, to the infection of blood.
  5. Bandages with pulling ointments ( Vishnevsky ) are applied only after opening the abscess to speed the departure of the purulent "core".

Antibiotics for furunculosis

Antibiotics for furunculosis can be used in several ways.

  1. Local blockade (especially effective at the initial stage of the disease). It consists in the cutting of the inflammation zone with a mixture of an antibiotic and an anesthetic.
  2. Reception of antibiotics in tablets.
  3. Intravenous administration of antibiotics (usually used in severe infections with a wide range of lesions).
  4. The list of antibiotics used in the treatment of furunculosis includes penicillin and its synthetic analogues, preparations such as kefzol, augmentin, cephalexin, levomycetin, oxacillin, lincomycin, rifampin. In the case of chronic furunculosis, in addition to antibiotics additionally prescribed a large number of vitamin preparations and immunity-strengthening agents.

Blood transfusion with furunculosis

Earlier, in the treatment of furunculosis, the method of autohemotherapy was widely used. It consists in subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of the patient's blood taken from the vein. To date, this method of treatment is completely superseded using antibiotics and antibacterial drugs. And a blood transfusion (donor) is carried out only in the case of development against a background of furunculosis of general sepsis (infection of blood).

Prevention of furunculosis

If you are prone to furuncles, then the following preventive measures are absolutely necessary:

  1. Careful observance of personal hygiene.
  2. If any microtrauma occurs on the skin, immediately treat them with an antiseptic.
  3. Reception of funds that strengthen immunity - vitamin preparations, mineral supplements and immunomodulators .