Types of giftedness - identification and development

The study of potentially high human abilities was of interest to psychologists back in the 19th century. Many works of specialists help not only to understand what types of giftedness exist, but also to find ways to develop talents. In order to understand whether a person is endowed with something special, different methods should be used.

Giftedness, talent, genius in psychology

The definition of potentially high abilities was given by Teplov, who identified them as qualitatively-original combinations of qualities that contribute to the achievement of success in a certain type of activity. The concept of "giftedness" in psychology is not equal to genius or talent. These definitions mean that a person is the highest level of intellectual or creative development of a person . Potential opportunities are related to those that may not be visible during life and the intensity of their expression depends on whether the development of the given at birth.

Types of giftedness and their characteristics

There are several classifications of potential abilities, a number of specialists divide them according to intensity (expressed and not expressed), some by the time of occurrence (early and late). But the most popular enumeration of types of giftedness is based on the sphere of their manifestation. In this classification, the remaining lists are used as characteristics, that is, the predisposition to music can be early, strongly pronounced and special, for example, a man does not so much work as he composes them.

According to the popular enumeration, potential abilities are:

Intellectual giftedness

These abilities are manifested, beginning with adolescence, in early childhood they are difficult to notice even by experienced psychologists. The intellectual kind of giftedness can be revealed by special tests that assess a person's predisposition to construct logical constructions. Techniques help to define an area where abilities are manifested more clearly, for example, a person can understand exact sciences, but not have a propensity to learn languages. You can develop them if you motivate the person to a deep knowledge of the subject and provide it with the necessary resources.

Artistic giftedness

It manifests itself at an early age and in an adult. They are amplified in special circles and sections, for example, a music school or an ISO-studio. There are 2 types of similar abilities and it is important to take this fact into account when developing them. According to this classification, the types of giftedness in this field will be pronounced only with the correct approach of the person himself, the teacher or the parent. Otherwise, there will be no positive result from the lessons.

Kinds of artistic endowments:

  1. Intellectual . Develops systematically, that is, a child or an adult is easy to remember and use any information relevant to the chosen area.
  2. Academic . A person is interested in the subject selectively, his successes are followed by periods of decline and it is important to support the motivation to achieve the goals of such a child or adult.

Musical giftedness

In most classifications is a subset of artistic abilities. Signs of giftedness in the field of music are obvious, often manifested in early childhood. Excellent hearing, the ability to reproduce a melody heard in a flash, the presence of a singing voice is difficult to overlook. As a rule, parents try to give these children to a special school, the main task of teachers and mentors is to support motivation for classes.

Sports giftedness

It manifests itself not only in the field of cognitive activity, but also in the field of physiology. Other types of giftedness rarely have such a vivid expression, in contrast to this ability. The mobility of the joints, the length of the tendons and the adaptation of the muscles to the stretching are all determined by physicians, not by psychologists, and affects the effectiveness of sports training of a certain type. It is better to identify giftedness in childhood, an adult person is unlikely to be able to develop the ability to the maximum. Therefore, the child is recommended to be shown to doctors and coaches at the age of 5-6.

Creative giftedness

This type of specialists is not singled out as a separate subtype. But some psychologists believe that it is worthwhile to consider it separately, and describe it as a lack of attention to canons, conventions, and not elevating authorities to the rank of deities. Kinds of creative giftedness are determined by the field of human activity, for example, musical or ability to exact sciences. They can manifest themselves clearly not only in childhood, but also in the adult or elderly, although the latter is not so often.

Academic giftedness

This ability to learn, a child and an adult, endowed with it, easily comprehend new subjects. The manifestation of giftedness occurs in childhood, often teachers notice such people in primary school. Students with this ability do not spend a lot of effort in studying subjects, they are said to catch any information on the fly, quickly link it logically with the already available knowledge. It should be borne in mind that without the motivation of adults or self-control of their own activities, such people can quickly forget about their predisposition and not develop it.

Social giftedness

It manifests itself in the spiritual-value sphere. The giftedness of a person contributes to the fact that he is constantly looking for new ways of development of society, assistance to various strata of the population. Not necessarily these people pay attention to economic problems, in some cases they are engaged in the creation of spiritual values, become clergymen or mentors. From them, excellent educators and educators can turn out. Predisposition is more often detected in adolescence and adulthood.

Leader's giftedness

The ability of this type is often, but it is rarely pronounced. Excellent examples of such people are political leaders, military leaders, commanders. That is, those who know how to exert influence on other personalities, lead them to themselves, motivate them to commit certain actions. Often such people become criminal authorities, therefore, when identifying abilities at an early age, it is important to give the child the correct social attitude, to impart to him the values ​​respected in a cultural society.

The criteria for the giftedness of this type are the same as for the others. Abilities can be detected at an early and late age, they are pronounced and not too developed and not. Leadership qualities and talent come to naught, if a person does not purposefully engage in their upbringing. It is necessary to support the aspiration of the leader to study oratorical receptions, to pass trainings, increasing self-confidence.

Literary giftedness

This is the ability to create artistic texts. Development of giftedness occurs if the person or parents of the child allocate time for employment by literary creativity. Such people are often the generator of ideas, but the reverse side of the coin is a state of nervousness and inconstancy. As a consequence, for them the support of others is important, the correct motivation and ability to react positively to criticism.

Giftedness can manifest at any age, so adults should not give up those creative, intellectual, spiritual and sporting activities that they want to master. Perhaps they will find new abilities in themselves and develop them. The parents' task is the timely identification of giftedness in children and referring them to appropriate classes, providing moral support and providing resources for achieving success in the chosen field.