The heat of passion

Looking at detective series, we often hear the expression "a state of affect", and what it means and what its signs are known only by doctors and investigators. But mere mortals also wonder what kind of state this is and why people who violate the law try to convince the investigation that they acted in a state of affect.

What is the state of affect?

Affect is a state of violent emotional excitement that arose as a result of violence, bullying, severe insult or a long-term situation that had a traumatic effect on the human psyche. Depending on the type of affect, it can be a mitigating or completely excluding criminal liability circumstance, and may be recognized as an aggravating factor.

In any case, strong emotional excitement makes processes that are not connected with it, slower. That is, a person concentrates his attention only on the object that caused his anger (despair, resentment), the rest of the person does not perceive at all or remembers some moments by pure chance.

Most often, the condition of affect occurs in people who are unbalanced and who have a weak character. Outwardly, this can be manifested in delayed movements or excessive activity. Also a person can turn red or pale, his speech will be intermittent, movements can be chained or chaotic. In any case, the state of affect can not fail to manifest itself in any way.

Psychology about the state of affect

In psychology, there are three types of affective states: pathological, physiological on pathological soil and physiological. Pathological affect is a painful short-term disorder of the psyche, which is accompanied by impulsive actions, partial or complete loss of memory, deep confusion of consciousness. Often human actions are accompanied by incoherent speech and excessive gesticulation. This condition usually ends with general weakness, drowsiness or deep sleep. The pathological state of affect requires treatment, and therefore such people are not responsible for their actions and are deemed insane.

Physiological affect on the pathological basis occurs in people who have mental abnormalities (neurasthenics, psychopaths).

Physiological affect is seen as a strong emotional state, suddenly arising in response to stress, frustration. In this case, the person is aware of the actions, but can not control them.

Signs of a state of affect

The most important signs of a state of affect are the following:

  1. Suddenness of occurrence. Affect seizes man, breaking his will.
  2. Short-term. How long does the state of passion last? The exact figure can not be called, usually a few minutes, or even seconds.
  3. The dynamics are explosive. That is, in a very short period of time, the situation reaches its maximum.
  4. The intensity and intensity of the period of affect. Usually people at these moments there is an increase in physical strength.
  5. Disorganizing influence on the psyche. A person in a state of affect is not able to adequately assess the situation, the flexibility of thinking is significantly reduced, self-control is reduced to almost zero.
  6. Increased motor activity. Characteristic disorderly and incoherent movements.
  7. Vegetative changes - redness (blanching) of the skin, dry mouth, change of voice, arrhythmia of breathing, etc.

The consequences of affect can be a partial loss of memory or complete amnesia.