Cervical erosion - consequences

Modern women are increasingly questioning: Is erosion of the cervix dangerous? Today, this diagnosis - the most frequent in gynecological practice, it puts half of women of childbearing age. Most patients are frightened by this "precancerous state", which is not, in fact, eroded. Let's see what it is.

Erosion - reddening of the mucous membrane of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular the cervix. In diameter, erosion can be from a few millimeters to two or three centimeters. Clinically, she can not show herself. It can be detected only by a gynecologist when examined with the help of vaginal mirrors.

Causes of erosion

To begin with, erosion is true and false. The true is a sore or abrasion. This type of erosion is rare and occurs as a result of physical intervention or hormonal therapy. In the first case, a gentle covering of the cervix is ​​easily traumatized, for example, during intercourse, and in the second: hormonal contraception leads to a decrease in the level of female hormones in the body, which in turn leads to thinning of the mucosa. Such erosion goes by itself after a few days.

The most common, so-called, false erosion. It does not pass by itself. Leave it without attention too, because it can lead to other more serious diseases. The causes of the appearance may be hormonal disorders in the body of a woman, a decrease in immunity, an early sexual life, trauma from childbirth. Maybe a number of other reasons, you can discuss them with your doctor.

What is the danger of erosion of the cervix?

An obvious threat to women's health, cervical erosion does not carry, except in cases of complications. To prevent their occurrence, the disease should not be started. Preventive examinations should be conducted at least twice a year. This will help to identify the problem in time and start treatment.

In the absence of treatment, erosion of the cervix can develop into cancer. Erosion is a benign process that occurs in the cervix. Incorrect, incomplete or completely absent treatment can lead to a degeneration into malignant formation, in other words cancer.

With erosion of the cervix, an ideal environment for the growth of pathogenic microflora is formed, and this is the direct path to the onset of the inflammatory process. On the affected cervix, the pathogenic bacteria multiply, which can cause very, very unpleasant diseases. Erosion is an open gate for candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomonads and other pathogens. When sick, they easily enter the ovaries and uterus.

Erosion and infertility

Erosion can also cause female infertility. Damaged tissues can serve as a barrier to normal fertilization. In addition, damage to the cervix during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion or, in other words, miscarriage.

Erosion in pregnancy

Erosion can provoke premature birth or cause cervicitis and colpitis. Conservative Methods of treating erosion during pregnancy often do not show results. Destructive intervention, in particular laser coagulation, increases the risk of abortion. In a stationary setting, cervical erosion in a pregnant woman can be cured. To do this, use hyaluronan, which provides healing in a short time. At the same time, it reduces the inflammation of the cervical tissue. In any case, such treatment should be under close supervision of the doctor.

Erosion of the cervix is ​​dangerous. But you should not be afraid of this diagnosis. You just need to know about it and treat it in a timely manner.