Iguana at home - important features of the content

Among fans of exotic iguanas are very popular. It is not so difficult to acquire these reptiles as a few years ago. The iguana at home will feel comfortable while observing a number of rules regarding care and maintenance.

Types of iguanas for home contents

As pets, three types of iguanas are common:

  1. Collar . Lizards of this species reach a length of not more than 35 cm, which simplifies the process of keeping. It is distinguished by external signs: a barrel-shaped body, short paws and a long tail. Males of this species are brighter than females.
  2. Green . Describing the species of iguanas, it is impossible to overlook this most popular type of lizard. Individuals grow to 1.5-2 m in length. The iguanas attract their bright green color.
  3. Madagascar . Unlike the previous species, the size of these lizards is smaller and in most cases they do not grow more than 40 cm. The males of the Madagascar iguana have a beautiful comb on their head. Body color from gray to brown, and there are spots and strips.

Life expectancy of an iguana at home

If to create for an exotic animal conditions as close as possible to the natural environment, then it will be able to live 15-30 years. As for wildlife, there lizards can exist much longer. If you hold a survey of exotic lovers and ask them how many iguanas live at home, then in most reviews the age will not exceed 20 years. It is important to buy a pet from a trusted breeder and follow all the rules for care and maintenance.

Iguana - content at home

For exotic animals, climatic conditions are of great importance, therefore it is important to properly prepare the terrarium . Breeders give such advice, how to keep an iguana at home:

  1. In the place where the lizard lives, the temperature should be maintained at 30 ° C in the daytime and at about 22 ° C at night. For monitoring, please install a thermometer. Note that the branches that will climb the iguana should not approach the lamp closer than 10 cm, as this can cause burns to the animals.
  2. For lighting, install UV lamps, which should be on the ceiling of the cell and burn for 10-12 hours.
  3. Humidity in the terrarium should be maintained at 80%, but not more. To do this, you can install an automatic sprayer or simply place containers with water. To monitor humidity, use a hygrometer.
  4. In the terrarium, there must certainly be ventilation holes, but you do not need to do them opposite each other on different walls, because drafts of the iguana in the home tolerate poorly. It is best to arrange them in the upper corner of the cage.

Terrarium for iguana

For a comfortable life of a lizard at home it is better to purchase a large glass terrarium. For young individuals you need a volume of at least 200 liters, and as you grow up, you should increase it to 500 liters and more. Choosing the size of the terrarium for the iguana, please note that it is not necessary for the baby to buy a large cage, as this can lead to poor development of the animal.

  1. At the bottom, put a mat of medium hardness, which is important for the comfort of the pet, and will further facilitate cleaning.
  1. The central element of the terrarium is a large, dry branched branch, through which an iguana, living at home, will crawl. For example, you can use a branch of oak, which is also a natural antiseptic. It is important that the top of the branch goes to the side of the heating lamp, so that the animal can independently adjust the heating of its body.
  2. The fourth part of the house should be occupied by a container of water, which will not only be used for drinking, but also for carrying out water procedures.

Iguana care at home

For a comfortable life of a lizard it is important to regularly clean the cage, since pieces of food and feces can lead to the spread of bacteria. Use special cleaners without chlorine or baking soda . Clean once a week. Care for the iguana involves pruning the claws, it is important to remove only the tip of the claw so as not to hurt the vein. It is recommended to develop for your pet mode - 12 h day and 12 h sleep. If desired, in hot weather, you can go out with an iguana for a walk to the street.

Bathing iguanas at home

Lizard loves water procedures, and for normal development of the animal it is necessary to conduct them at least twice a week. Water enriches the skin with moisture, which facilitates the moult period. If the iguana is kept at home, care and maintenance should include compliance with a number of rules:

  1. Beforehand, the walls of the bathroom must be heated with hot water. The temperature of the liquid should be 30-35 ° C.
  2. Put a driftwood or other object in the tub so that the lizard can get out of the water for a while. It is important to water the animal with warm water, so that the body does not cool down.
  3. The procedure should last approximately half an hour. After that, wipe the iguana with a towel and move to a warm terrarium.

What to feed the iguana in the home?

Young individuals should be given food twice a day, and adults - once. The iguana menu at home should be varied. When introducing a new product, do not be surprised if the lizard refuses, as it is wary of new food, so you need to try several times. Please note that in 30 minutes. Before and after eating, the animal should warm up under the lamp and it can not be distracted. It is important to give food no later than a couple of hours before bedtime. It remains to find out what the iguana eats at home:

  1. The most favorite food is leafy greens, so 50% of the diet should be presented by cabbage, dandelion leaves, clover, carrots and beetroot and so on.
  2. Feed the lizard with peas, beans, bell peppers and potatoes.
  3. He loves the iguana at home, alfalfa, which is sold in the form of granules and first they are soaked, and then give to the animal.
  4. Fruits can be given rarely and in small quantities, so allowed figs, melon, apple, kiwi and banana.
  5. It is necessary to give vitamin supplements, which are best to choose with a veterinarian.

Breeding of iguanas at home

In the most common green iguanas, puberty occurs in the fourth year of life, and a suitable time for reproduction is winter. The place where mating will take place is chosen by males that mark it with a special secret that stands out from the paws.

  1. During courtship, the male members become brighter and swell, and they also show affection towards the partner, biting her neck.
  2. A green iguana at home will walk pregnant for two months. The female buries the masonry in the ground, and it includes 20 to 70 eggs.
  3. The young will appear in about 4 months. The offspring do not need to be taken care of by the parents, since the lizards have a bile sack with nutrient reserves that are sufficient for the first time.

Diseases of iguanas

Immediately after acquiring a lizard, it is recommended to show it to a vet so that it confirms the health of the pet. Young individuals often get sick and the most common are the following diseases: fungus, cutaneous parasites and burns. Illnesses of the iguana's eyes are not so common. In addition, the lizard can suffer from kidney failure and metabolic bone disease. It is not recommended to carry out diagnostics and treatment on your own, so if you have any abnormalities, contact your veterinarian.