Breed of cats Russian blue - detailed description

One of the oldest classic cat breeds in Russia - the breed of cats is Russian blue. For the first time it became known about these gray-blue graceful creations in the middle of the 19th century. Loyalty and devotion to these cats, their delicate and cheerful nature, elegance and charm have made them one of the most popular breeds not only in Russia, but all over the world.

Russian blue - description of the breed

Reviews about the pets of this breed are extremely positive and warm. The cat is very peaceful, kind and obedient. She will not fail to thank the owner with purring, and is not characterized as intrusive or bothersome. As you grow older, the Russian blue will amaze you with your intellect, literally understanding the words and gestures of people. Russian blue and its positive characterization of the breed is complemented by the fact that it does not cause problems in terms of care, it practically lacks a cat's smell, and the voice is quiet and pleasant.

Russian Blue - Standard

According to the standard, the breed of cats Russian blue has a short wool with a soft texture, it lags behind the body, but due to the same length the undercoat and cover coat looks very thick. Russian blue - the description of the standard:

Russian blue cat - character

The Russian blue has a character that is friendly and kind, but she recognizes one person as the owner. To foreign people it is very cold, preferring to stay somewhere far away when visiting. Ideal for people who spend a lot of time at work, because they do not get bored and do not suffer from loneliness, finding employment for themselves. Russian blue is very curious, notices any new detail, carefully sniffs and explores the interior, if possible - studies from the inside. If you show that this is unacceptable, it understands this very clearly, literally from a half-word.

For all its softness and suppleness, the Russian blue did not lose the hunting instinct. If you have a mouse in the house, the arrival of a new pet will not be very soon. The absence of hostility and vindictiveness precludes deliberate sabotage on their part. They are trusting and defenseless, kind and aristocratic. Do not like it when they are squeezed, do not tolerate noise, screams - peace is important to them. Therefore, for a family with small children is not quite suitable.

Russian blue - care

As already mentioned, the cat of the breed Russian blue is absolutely undemanding to care. In addition, representatives of this breed are extremely seldom sick and do not have genetic diseases. All you need to do is to master the Russian blue - once a week comb it out with a lorry, sometimes shorten the claws , regularly and scrupulously follow the cleanliness of the toilet, balance feeding, not forgetting about vitamins.

Russian blue - what to feed?

The breed of unpretentious cats Russian blue is not periborchiva and in part of the diet, but this does not save you from having to buy her a special balanced feed in return for feeding from a common table. No less important is the frequency of feeding:

The peculiarities of the Russian blue are that it is undesirable to compose its diet exclusively on industrial feeds, even the best ones. It is best to use a mixed type of food, but without food from the human table. You will have to cook it separately, to periodically diversify its menu. It can be meat and milk dishes. For example, lean beef or chicken, kefir, low-fat sour cream, natural yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese. Fish and whole milk are strictly prohibited.

Breed Russian blue - varieties

Being an aboriginal breed, Russian blue with exquisitely-gray short wool is not the result of the work of breeders. Its origin is natural. Since the time of the Vikings, there are references to the fact that these cats lived in Scandinavia, which gives the right to consider a reliable version of the occurrence of the breed in the north of Russia. Much later, after receiving a wide distribution around the world, the Russian blue in the United States, the characteristics of which somewhat changed, became long-haired. This variety of it was called nibelung - "child of fog".

Russian blue shorthair cat

The classic short-haired Russian blue cat, described in detail above, attracts with its grace, grace, expressive eyes of beautiful color. Her business card and what unambiguously characterizes her - a double thick gray-blue shimmering coat. Character corresponds to appearance - it is soft, trusting, affectionate and obedient. Although sometimes it can show its stubbornness and self-will, as it should be to a cat.

Russian blue long-haired cat

Artificially bred breed of long-haired cats Russian blue appeared in the 1980s of the last century in the United States after a note with a long-haired blue cat, common in Europe. Features of Russian blue nibelung - in a longer and thicker coat, because of which it looks the largest, although in fact it is a cat of medium size. Its body is strong and muscular, the head has the form of a wedge with a flat skull and high cheekbones.

The character of the Nibelungs is very meek. They are selflessly in love with their owners, love communication, while very quiet and calm. Care for them is complicated by their hair - it requires regular combing with a brush with rare metal teeth. Note that prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to discoloration of the color and the appearance of "rusty" spots.

Color of Russian blue cat

The real Russian blue has a color exceptionally pure, uniform, gray-blue, with a noticeable silvery tint. In this case, the color should be the same over the entire surface of the body. The peculiarity of the color of the Russian blue is that only this rock has a silvery hue. In addition, the blue hue is slightly lighter than that of other similar breeds. With frequent and long exposure under the sun, color deteriorates, fades, acquires a yellowish tinge. Therefore, it is better to avoid walking on the street.