Tablets for abortion

Of course, abortion is a contradictory procedure. On the one hand, this is a serious interference in the biological processes of the body, which sometimes leads to very negative consequences. On the other hand, abortion is immoral, and, moreover, a big sin, in terms of religious considerations. However, despite all of the above, the number of artificially interrupted pregnancies does not decrease. And you will agree, situations are different, and sometimes abortion is the only right decision. As a rule, a woman comes to him consciously, with full understanding of the possible consequences.

Modern medicine offers its patients who want to get rid of unplanned pregnancy, two methods - a surgical and pills abortion. The risks and peculiarities of surgical cleansing are known to many, some not even by hearsay. But what is medical abortion, what kind of abortion-inducing tablets are taken, and how long can it be done, let's talk about this article.

Which is better - abortion or pills?

Abortion with pills is a relatively new method of abortion. This procedure is carried out by taking special medications. At the same time, the risk of complications that often occur in surgical intervention is reduced several times. Tablets instead of classical abortion allow to avoid:

The only feature of abortion with pills is that it is only acceptable for use in early pregnancy.

Tablet abortion - the essence of the process

It is not a secret for anyone that according to the rules medical abortion is performed in two stages with the help of tablets Mifepristone and Misoprostol:

  1. The first stage involves taking the drug in order to deprive the embryo of nutrients, which in turn leads to its death.
  2. The second stage causes intensive uterine contraction with subsequent expulsion of the fetus. This process can be accompanied by both minor bloody discharge, and heavy bleeding , pain, nausea, etc.

What is important to know before a medical abortion?

First of all, it must be remembered that even such a relatively safe procedure for abortion is not carried out at home. Firstly, because of the risk of profuse bleeding, which can cause death. Secondly, the doctor should check that the fetal egg is completely out, in order to avoid infection of the body.

In addition, before the adoption of the first part of the tablets, the fact of pregnancy is ascertained, the terms are specified, ultrasound and other laboratory diagnostics are performed to make sure there are no contraindications for the abortion.

After taking the first half of the drugs to the patient, if this procedure was performed in the clinic, you need to remain under observation for the first two hours. Then, after receiving precise recommendations, in which cases you need to seek help, you can go home. This procedure is also carried out in a hospital.

Regardless of the conditions under which the abortion tablets were taken, a control examination, which is conducted no later than 15 days after admission, should be mandatory.

Contraindications for abortion with pills

It is worth to give up medical abortion , if there is the slightest suspicion of ectopic pregnancy. It is also forbidden to conduct the procedure for patients: