Incontinence of feces in children

As they develop, each child learns new skills and skills. And so by the age of three the kid has to fully master the pot and cope with the toilet only in it. However, in some families, the crumb at the end of this age still leaves messed up panties and bed linens. Naturally, the parent feces the incontinence, and the child feels shame and is very worried. And if the people closest to him - Mom and Dad - scold him for it, the psychological state of the baby worsens, and the smeared underwear does not get any less. Where does this problem come from and how can you cope with it?

Incontinence of feces in children: causes

Fecal incontinence, or encopresis, is a disease that manifests itself as an unconscious and unintended release of intestinal contents in a child over three years of age. In young children, casual defecation is not considered incontinence, because they still do not completely control this process. The disease occurs in 3% of the boys, and the boys are 2-3 times more likely than the girls. Many parents scold their children for soiling the laundry, but meanwhile the patients are not to blame - they do not feel the excrement of feces. The reasons for which this disease developed are various factors:

  1. In most cases encopresis occurs as a result of a strong psychological shock - stress, fright, fear, arising from the loss of a loved one, an emergency or an unfavorable situation in the family.
  2. Stool incontinence also often appears due to the excessive zeal of the mother to teach the child to the pot. Parents forcibly put the baby on the pot at a time when he is not yet ready and resists. And if emptying, where it is supposed to, does not happen, the crumb is scolded and punished. Because of this, the child develops a negative attitude towards the pot, and the urge to defecate is suppressed, and repeatedly. Also because of systematic constipation, because of which the child had painful sensations during defecation because of a crack in the rectum. As a result, the calf accumulates in the intestine of the child. But the bowel overflows, and feces are spontaneously excreted in small portions.
  3. The cause of encopresis can be transferred diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - enterocolitis, diphtheria, etc.
  4. To an incontinence of a feces at the child birth injuries and an asphyxia as a result of which appear infringements in nervous system, that stirs to supervise process of a defecation result.

The main symptoms of incontinence of the stool are the situations when from a clean-headed toddler the unpleasant smell emanates, his panties are soiled. The child begins to shy away from peers, becomes withdrawn. Feces can stand out during the day during active games. Quite often, there is night fecal incontinence.

Incontinence of feces in children: treatment

Treatment of encopresis should begin with finding the main cause and getting rid of it. Psychological stress requires consultation of a child psychologist. Parents should in no case be punished and curse the child when the child there will be an involuntary discharge of feces. When constipation requires cleansing enemas and adherence to a special diet. In addition, consultation with the proctologist and gastroenterologist is mandatory. In how to treat fecal incontinence, especially massage and special exercises that strengthen the sphincter - the muscle in the rectum, involved in the management of the defecation process. Also, the child is prescribed medications that enhance intestinal peristalsis, and laxatives.

In general, the success of treatment depends on the positive attitude of the patient, his parents and the favorable situation in the family.