Bonsai Sakura

People's hobbies sometimes take on bizarre forms. Today, bonsai is extremely popular. This is the name of the ancient Japanese art of growing a tree in miniature. Special beauty is struck by cherry blossoms - Japanese cherry, which has a stunning bloom. So, it's about how to grow sakura bonsai from seeds.

Bonsai Japanese Sakura - seed preparation

Seeds to be acquired must be stratified, that is, placed in a place for several months in a place (for example, a refrigerator), where the temperature is kept within +4 + 5 degrees. Before planting, the planting material must be immersed in warm water (up to 35 degrees) per day.

How to plant a sakura bonsai?

Before sakura seeds plant, it is necessary to achieve their germination, laying in moist vermiculite or sphagnum moss. For planting, use not a deep container, but a bowl with a height of up to 10 cm. You can plant several seedlings in a single pot at a distance of at least 10 cm. The suitable land is a mixture of sand, peat and humus garden land. If the seedlings have long roots, they can be gently trimmed with garden scissors. After planting, the seedling is watered.

Sakura bonsai - cultivation

The main difficulties in the cultivation of this sweet tree are to restrain growth and give the characteristic shape to the branches and trunk. This can be achieved if, for example, pruning roots or shoots, use lean soil, fertilize with a minimum concentration of necessary substances.

Another way of forming bonsai sakura is to apply a sharp knife along the trunk of horizontal cuts. The extracted juice will greatly weaken the tree and prevent it from reaching the peaks. It is also possible to use a neck barrel with wire. When the tree reaches a height of 25-30 cm, we recommend that you remove the top so that growth will move into the side branches.

Care for bonsai sakura also involves the formation of the crown. If you want the branches to take a certain shape or bend, you need to use a wire. With its help, the branches are wrapped and bent, giving the direction of growth. It is important to unwind the wire from time to time so that it does not finally grow into a branch. In addition, shoots and twigs from time to time pinch for density. By the way, pruning is carried out before the sap flow begins.

Please note that sakura likes bright lighting, so in the cold season it needs extra lighting. She responds well to fertilizing. In the spring, ammonium nitrate is used, sulfur sulfide and superphosphate fall in the fall.