Asanas of hatha yoga

Basically, hatha yoga is exactly the kind of physical activity that we imagine yoga in general in our imagination. Asanas of hatha yoga is the most detailed set of yogic poses, and it is for this reason that all beginners are advised to go to hatha yoga.

In hatha yoga there are no complex asanas. This yoga is, as it were, created to start the path to the world of yoga, to develop the body of the student without unnecessary spiritual and physical load.

Previously, hatha yoga was really a way for enlightenment. Today, with the popularization of yoga, it has become purely physical. The reason is that the yoga masters in the past themselves found the right moment to awaken the kundalini of energy. Now, if you want to learn something else besides physics, you'll have to turn to Sahaja Yoga.

Nevertheless, hatha yoga is indeed the most popular, common, known variety of yoga. Largely due to the fact that there is no need to adhere to the sequence of asanas in hatha yoga: if you still do not get a stand on your head, you can step over it and try other basic asanas of hatha yoga.

Asan hatha yoga complex

Before performing the asan hatha yoga complex, sit down straight, calm your mind and wish happiness to all the living beings in the universe. Remember all the great masters of yoga - ask them for protection and assistance in mastering yoga.

  1. Lay down on the floor, with an inspiration throw your hands behind your head, with an exhalation bend in the lower back and grab with an ankle brushes. Make sure that your knees do not bend. Give yourself inside the current energy. This pose eliminates the diseases that arise in the lower abdomen.
  2. Pose of cobra - lay your belly on the floor, bend your hands, put your hands under your shoulders. Lift up the look, then the head, bend the neck, back, hands, help yourself to bend stronger. Fix the pose and return to the PI in the same manner.
  3. Sit on the bent legs, straighten your back, neck and head. Grab the wrist of one hand with the palm of the other behind. Take a deep breath and lean out on the exhalation, touching the forehead of the earth. In this position, the yogis renounce delusions. This same position can be done in the lotus position.
  4. Stand on both feet, stretch your arms up, inhaling to the full chest, with an exhalation lean down and grab your ankles. The legs should be straight. This posture makes it possible to penetrate the inner and heal the upper body from many diseases.
  5. Pose onion - lie on your stomach, bend your knees, grab your ankles with your hands and stay in this pose until you feel that the energy of the asana is awakened. Then begin to unbend legs in the knees and cave in the back. This pose treats the joints of the hands, and also burns negative karma.
  6. Stand on both knees and both hands, then bend over so that the head, chest arms were on the ground, like a cat crawling under a fence. This posture needs to be fixed for a long time, so that energy from the pelvis will flow into the head. Asana helps cure intestinal and stomach upset.
  7. Sit on your legs bent at the knees, straighten your back, neck and head. Throw the left foot behind the right knee, turn the neck, back, head to the left. This asana eliminates the diseases of the spine. Then return to the IP and repeat the asana on the second leg.