Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - treatment

A large number of women after 40 years suffer from trigeminal neuralgia, starting with pain in the cheekbones and cheeks. Therefore, it is important to diagnose as early as possible inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - treatment in this case will last much less and there will be no irreversible complications.

Medicamentous treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve of the face

All patients with time mark strong, paroxysmal pains in the region of the cheeks and oral cavity. The duration of such a state can vary from 10-15 seconds to 2 minutes. Because of numerous attacks, a person subconsciously reduces the motor activity of the painful zones, resulting in the development of muscular tissue degeneration. To prevent such changes, first of all, anesthetics are prescribed.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve involves the treatment of tablets from a number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticonvulsants:

When drawing up a therapy scheme, it is important to pay attention to the cause of the pathology. If the bacterial or viral process has become a provoking factor, it makes sense to perform treatment for the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve with antibiotics and antiviral medicines.

In the case of poor blood circulation, violations of the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, the presence of cholesterol plaques, it is first necessary to eliminate the primary disease, and then begin therapy of neuralgia.

Folk treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal facial nerve


  1. In a frying pan, it is good to heat dry buckwheat.
  2. Hot porridge pour into a bag of cloth, allow to cool slightly.
  3. Apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day.


  1. Grind the root of the althea, brew 4 tablespoons of chips in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 24 hours in a dark place.
  3. Before going to bed, moisten gauze, folded in several layers, in the resulting solution.
  4. Apply the compress to the painful area for 60 minutes.

Natural pain reliever:

  1. A few fresh leaves of room geranium lightly rub in the palms.
  2. Apply weight to areas where pain is felt.
  3. Hold until the attack subsides.

Fir oil :

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the face.
  2. Gently massage oil into the skin with massage movements.
  3. Repeat up to 4 times a day.

Chamomile tea:

  1. Brew a strong infusion of flowers of chemist's chamomile (about 3-4 tablespoons for a standard glass of boiling water).
  2. To put in a mouth a warm solution, to hold about 10 minutes.
  3. Perform the procedure after waking up and in the evening.

Also, an effective method to quickly stop an attack is to apply a hard-boiled chicken egg to the diseased area. Another hot product should be cut in half and put on the cheek, yolk to the skin.

Surgical treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve of the face

Approximately 30% of cases, no conservative or alternative methods do not help, and a person has to go on to lifelong treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve drugs with analgesic action.

In such situations, experts recommend performing an operation to block the nerve root or its major nodes to eliminate seizures, spasms and convulsions. Most often, such an intervention provides a long lasting result. But if after 6-10 months the disease recurs, a more serious and rather painful surgical manipulation is needed - cutting the spine of the trigeminal nerve.