Preparations of insulin

Insulin is rightly considered a vital hormone. It regulates the glucose level in the blood . Patients who are diagnosed with malfunctions in the functioning of the pancreas are prescribed insulin preparations.

Classification of insulin preparations

Modern insulin preparations differ among themselves in the duration of exposure to the active substance. They can be conditionally differentiated into the following groups:

The insulin preparations of the first group include funds, the effect of which is already visible after acceptance. It lasts for about 4 hours. And here is the list of insulin preparations that are considered to be "ultra-short":

Medications of short exposure work for 5-6 hours after admission. To this group are included such means:

Averaged products differ preparations with an efficacy of up to 16 hours. "Average" insulin drugs are:

Medications with prolonged action are able to accumulate in the patient's body. This group includes:

Complications with the use of insulin preparations

More common is the complication of hypoglycemia . This condition is characterized by a sharp drop in the glucose level in the blood. Hypoglycemia is often accompanied by an increased sense of hunger, severe sweating and uncaused irritability. When these symptoms occur, the patient should immediately eat a cookie, candy, a piece of sugar or white of bread.

Slightly less often patients experience an allergic reaction. In the case of allergies, a change in the drug taken to another is required.

There are complications such as swelling in patients during insulin therapy. This problem is solved by adjusting the doses of the drug downward.

Often there is also a complication, such as a change in the curvature of the lens of the eye. However, after changing the drug taken and adjusting the dosage, vision is restored.