Lamb fat

Lamb fat is a food product little used by Europeans, but widely distributed in Caucasian and Asian cuisine. Get it from the kurdyuk specially bred sheep and the inside of the sheep carcass by re-heating.

Benefits of lamb fat

The results of scientific research show that lamb fat contains a large number of saturated fatty acids, many of which are necessary for normal health and life. It is a easily digestible product, which does not create a big load on the digestive system. In the countries of the East it has been considered for a long time that fatty fat, which contains a small amount of cholesterol, helps to prolong youth.

The fattened mutton fat contains in its composition the following substances: vitamins A , B1, E, beta-carotene, sterols and phosphatides. Since ancient times, in Asian countries, this natural product is used for medicinal purposes as an external remedy that heals burn injuries, means against baldness, and also for the treatment of various abrasions and wounds of a non-aggressive nature. Internal use of lamb fat can alleviate the condition in ARI, it is also used to prevent colds.

Lamb fat with bronchitis

Another medical method of use, which is quite common and effective, is the use of lamb fat in the treatment of colds from coughs - both in adults and children.

It is especially good to use in the treatment of chronic bronchitis , as well as with prolonged dry cough. To do this, you should rub your chest and back with melted mutton fat, cover it with polyethylene and wrap it around warmly. You can also use fat, diluted in half with honey.

Such a compress is best done at bedtime all night, and in the morning everything is removed. Typically, one procedure is sufficient to significantly alleviate the condition, but if necessary, it can be repeated.

Compresses are better to combine with the internal use of lamb fat. For this, in a glass of warm milk you should melt a tablespoon of mutton fat. Drink before going to bed for 3 - 5 days.

Lamb fat - harm

In some cases, the internal use of lamb fat can not only not benefit, but also cause harm. This applies to patients suffering from liver, kidney, gallbladder, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer disease or gastritis with high acidity. It is better for such people not to use mutton fat.