Inflammation of the intestines - symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Various pathogenic microorganisms, for example, salmonella, streptococcus, dysenteric bacteria, staphylococci, may act as pathogens for the development of inflammatory processes in the intestine. At the same time, the mucosal state is disturbed, normal motor and organ functions, digestion of food is difficult.

To stop the progression of the acute form or prevent the recurrence of chronic pathology, it is important to take appropriate medications and strictly follow the diet. In addition to basic therapy, gastroenterologists recommend the use of prescriptions from alternative medicine, especially the collections and tinctures of medicinal herbs.

Signs and symptoms of inflammation of the intestine

There are three main types of this disease:

It is necessary to find out precisely in which department of the body inflammation of the intestine takes place - the symptoms and treatment with folk remedies of these clinical manifestations should correspond to the form of the disease. It is also necessary to take into account the nature of its current and severity.

In the first case there is inflammation of the large intestine. For him, there are such signs:

Chronic colitis in the stage of remission almost does not manifest itself, but with relapses the following symptoms are observed:

With enteritis, inflammation of the small intestine, patients complain of rapid chair. In severe cases, more severe disorders are added:

Enterocolitis is a simultaneous inflammation of both the thick and small intestine, which can affect other parts of the body. Therefore, for him, the set of all the above-listed phenomena is characteristic.

Treatment of symptoms of inflammation of the large intestine with folk remedies

The most effective herbal medicine is considered to be chamomile. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiseptic properties.

Recipe for chamomile


Preparation and use

Pour rinsed raw materials with steep boiling water, wrap the container with a towel. Steep the solution for 4 hours, drain, add honey. Drink this remedy 3-4 times during the day. Repeat 1-1.5 months. After a 2-week break, start the course again.

In addition, traditional medicine recommends the use of colitis in freshly squeezed juices:

Effective treatment of folicular inflammation of the small intestine mucosa

For the treatment of enteritis, the same recipes can be used as in colitis. Also a vegetable harvest helps.

Herbal mixture recipe


Preparation and use

Combine the dry shredded plants, pour them with boiling water and cover with a lid. Insist for 60 minutes. Drink the medicine during the day in arbitrary amounts.

Methods of treating inflammation of the small and large intestines with folk remedies

Simultaneous defeat of both parts of the body is called enterocolitis. The most effective natural remedy for this disease is the bark of the buckthorn.

Herbal Remedy Recipe


Preparation and use

Mix the herbal ingredients, brew them in boiling water. After infusion (1.5 hours) strain the solution. Take 0.5 glasses of medication before bedtime.

Also recommended are fresh juices: