Black nightshade - good and bad

Nightshade black is a common herbaceous plant, which is unpretentious to growing conditions, so it can be seen both in forests and on sandy soils. The fruits are large, juicy and sweet to the taste. The benefits and harm of black nightshade are studied and it is necessary to eat only ripe berries. If possible, be sure to pick berries that ripen during a hot time in August. They are used for cooking jam, sauces, and as a filling for baking.

Useful properties and contraindications of black nightshade

Although the berries of this herb have not found application in official medicine, they are used in folk recipes in the treatment of many diseases. They use fruits and leaves to make infusions, decoctions and ointments.

Than black nightshade is useful:

  1. Possesses expectorant, analgesic, diuretic and hypotensive effect. Due to the antipyretic effect, fruits are recommended for colds and infections to reduce temperature.
  2. Improves the work of the nervous system, which allows you to quickly cope with fatigue, bad mood and stress. Recommended berries for neuroses and headaches.
  3. Useful properties of black nightshade are associated with the presence of a cholagogue. Berries are recommended as a prevention of the occurrence of stones and sand in the gallbladder.
  4. Decoction of berries is recommended for rinsing in the presence of inflammation of the throat, as well as in diseases of the respiratory system.
  5. An ointment made with berries or squeezed juice is an excellent remedy to cope with skin diseases and injuries, even wounds that fester.
  6. Promotes normalization of arterial pressure, which is useful for hypertensive patients.
  7. Decoction, cooked on the basis of fruits, is recommended in the period of treatment of tumors of the liver and stomach, as well as with jaundice.
  8. The benefit of black nightshade can be obtained by digging in the juice squeezed from the berries, which will help improve vision.
  9. In Germany, folk medicine uses water infusion berries, which is a sedative, and it is used for cramps, spasms of stomachs and skin diseases.

As already mentioned, folk medicine uses not only fruits, but also leaves of the plant. In Uzbekistan, traditional healers recommend using them as a wound-healing remedy and for relieving headaches. Juice, which can be extracted from leaves, helps with chronic rhinitis and pain in the ears.

In the use of berries black nightshade talked, it remains to disassemble and possible harm. The danger is in the unripe fruit, which is poisonous, it is also necessary to say that toxic substances are contained in young shoots. If a person ate greenish fruit, then it is important to rinse the stomach, as there may be weakness, vomiting and other signs of poisoning. You can remove toxins from the body by drinking large amounts of water or milk.

There are different recipes using the plant and the choice depends on the specific problem. Consider several effective tools:

  1. To make a decoction, you need to take 1 tbsp. boiling water and 20 g of berries. Put on a plate and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. At the end of the time, strain, and take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.
  2. To rinse your throat, take 0.5 tbsp. boiled water, which should be warm, and add 3 tbsp. spoons of juice berries. Insist for half an hour and can be used.
  3. To treat bladder and remove sand from the kidneys, you need to take 4 tbsp. spoonfuls of dry berries and pour them in a thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for two hours. It will remain to strain and drink 100 g for 20 minutes. before meals.