Soothing herbs

Today, scientists are increasingly raising the issue that a person is surrounded by a powerful information space in which the nervous system does not find rest. Accelerated pace of life, rapidity of events and constantly changing conditions lead to an increase in the cases of nervous system breakdown. If earlier the main occupations of people were physical work in the nature and games with neighbors and close people, today entertainment is limited to time spent on TVs, where they demonstrate shocking shots or viewing Internet resources, where a person again awaits a powerful information flow.

In this regard, people began to pay more attention to meditative pursuits - they strive to unite with nature, learn yoga practices and are looking for time to be alone with themselves outside of the aggressive environment.

Why is the sedative on herbs better than synthetic?

Sometimes the nervous system of a person turns out to be so tense that it is impossible to eliminate the symptoms of irritation, apathy and depression independently, in which case people turn to specialists. Before the doctors there is a choice of one of two ways - to assign to the patient antidepressants, tranquilizers or mild sedatives, or to prescribe a vegetable treatment based on soothing teas, herbal tablets and bathing.

Antidepressants, tranquilizers and synthetic sedatives have a lot of side effects, and some of them are addictive, and therefore frequent cases of failed treatment led doctors to think that herbs that soothe the nervous system are more acceptable in most cases.

What herbs calms the nervous system?

Somehow mysteriously people have long known what herbs calming nerves - among them the first place is shared by sage and the root of valerian.


Sage is used not only in herbal preparations, but also separately - its effect is sufficiently pronounced to apply without additional soothing agents. Sage not only calms the nervous system, but also any irritation on the skin.

Valerian root

Tincture or tea from the root of valerian is another famous and effective remedy that has a depressing effect on the nervous system. Along with violent reactions, vivid emotions also disappear. And that's why people who need to be toned should use this remedy with caution.


In the composition of soothing herbs collection, there is often such an important ingredient as melissa. Often it is not used alone, like sage or valerian, but in the collection it gives the desired effect. Melissa helps to get rid of apathetic, depressive conditions - on the one hand, it calms the nervous system, but on the other hand, thanks to a sharp smell awakens the body.


Motherwort is similar in its action to the root of valerian, but its effect is more pronounced. Motherwort is a frequent component not only of teas, but also of soothing pills. It helps, in addition to suppressing the nervous system, to establish a heart rhythm.

Soothing herbs for sleeping

Herbs for sleep should have a pronounced depressing effect. These include:

To sleep was strong, and in the morning did not torment apathy (if you use drugs that depress the nervous system for the night, awakening can be difficult), take at night not tea, but a bath with the broths of these herbs.

Soothing Herbal Remedies

One of the modern sedative herbal medicines is Sedativ PC. This preparation has an exclusively vegetative basis:

No less effective are valerian and motherwort pills.