Essential oil of jasmine - useful properties and application to cosmetology

Have paid attention to the medicinal properties of the amazing plant still ancient Chinese. For them, it was the first assistant in the treatment of diseases such as dysentery, cirrhosis, hepatitis. In many ancient countries, where it was possible to grow a plant, special medicines were prepared from it for the treatment of tumors, ulcers and eye diseases.

Essential oil of jasmine - properties

In the treatment and prevention of diseases in the modern world is essential essential oil of jasmine. Traditional medicine knows what jasmine oil is good for. It provides the following actions:

Thanks to this remedy, you can get rid of spasms, colic and pain symptoms. It is able to have a stimulating effect on the circulatory system, normalize the work of the respiratory, endocrine and genitourinary systems. With the help of a healing liquid, there is an opportunity to eliminate hoarseness and cough. If you regularly use such an ingredient as jasmine essential oil, the manifestations of hypertension will decrease, you can overcome excessive laziness, apathy, relieve fatigue, and transfer stress.

Jasmine Oil - Composition

Before use, many people are often interested in the composition of jasmine oil. In this amazing cosmetology product, there are ingredients that are valuable for the human body. Among them - jasmone, indole, linapol, benzyl acetate, methylanthranilate, linalyl acetate. With the help of all these components, he is able to exert a multifaceted influence on the human body.

Jasmine Essential Oil - Application

The unusual aroma of the ethereal product calms the nervous system. It is used by women in cosmetology, because it positively affects dry and sensitive skin, increasing their elasticity. Effective transparent liquid and in the fight against various skin diseases. Also, jasmine oil has the properties of an aphrodisiac and has a beneficial effect on the female sexual sphere.

They use it during massages, for inhalations and baths. Indispensable in the prevention of stress , fatigue and fatigue. With the help of this ingredient in each apartment, you can create a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort. For this purpose, eight drops of ether-colored, transparent, aromatic liquid are added to the evaporator-dispenser. The whole house will be filled with a magic fragrance of flowers, due to which the mood will improve.

Essential oil of jasmine for the face

Many people who want a young and beautiful looking lady often use jasmine oil for the face. It is used to nourish and purify the skin, moisturize, resilience. Sometimes an ethereal aromatic liquid is used for the treatment of acne, removal of scars and scars. Thanks to her, every woman can get rid of traces of stretch marks, dermatitis and eczema. If desired, it can be added to the finished cleansing gels, moisturizing emulsions and creams. Use a valuable tool in cosmetology and you can also during facial massage. The mask can be prepared at home.



  1. The flower is mixed with nutritious nut.
  2. Granules can be dissolved in tea (heat), or decoction.

Method of application:

  1. The prepared mixture is distributed sponge along the lines of the lymph flow from the center to the hair growth line and the ears.
  2. Once a pair of layers are formed, you can enjoy the rejuvenation procedure.
  3. After thirty-five minutes, the frozen film is removed.

Essential oil of jasmine for hair

Apply an amazing jasmine oil for hair. After the first time you can see the effectiveness. Healing transparent cosmetology can be added to your favorite shampoos, balsam rinse and decoctions. Its use will be an excellent prevention of brittleness. Hair will please silkiness and softness - they will be easy to lay down and give a pleasant floral scent.

Jasmine oil for skin

Apply essential oil with jasmine and for the skin. It is an excellent assistant in restoring the structure of the skin, it has a moisturizing and tonic effect on the layers of the epidermis. The curative component is also used for the healing of wounds, increasing elasticity, restoring the elasticity of the skin. Thanks to its medicinal properties, the oil of jasmine estrogen will help to correct the consequences of burns. Often, women use it as a moisturizer for the skin of the face.



  1. In the day cream add a clear liquid.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied in the morning and evening.

Mask for dry skin


Preparation and use:

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. The mask should be applied to the face.
  3. Use morning and evening.

Nutritious cream



  1. Connect all components.
  2. The received cream to insist for three days.

Essential oil of jasmine - contraindications

Jasmine essential oil, which is loved by many, has practically no contraindications. It is not recommended for use in the first 4 months of pregnancy. When using, it is important to adhere to precautionary measures, since an overdose can damage your health. The amazing ingredient does not cause irritation, as it is not toxic. However, very sensitive people may experience allergic reactions. The curative product is used only for external use.