Sensation and perception - psychology

Feel the material, smell or see all the colors of the object, and can make a complete picture of the subject? With this task, we face daily in life, but only a few think about what is sensation, and what perception is . Let's look at it together.

Difference of perception from sensations

In fact, everything is simple, it is only necessary to understand and dilute these concepts.

Feeling is a momentary phenomenon when a person touches an object, smells or sees a color scheme. In other words, sensation is a contact effect. While perception is the combination of all the sensations received into a single whole, for example, the compilation of a complete picture.

There is a classification of sensations by the criteria:

Perception is distinguished by the following features:

Interrelation of sensation and perception

In books on psychology it is said that sensations can be detached (for example, feeling of heat, cold), but here perception, directly, is connected with sensations . Let us consider an example of teaching a child to these processes.

So, with the upbringing and development of the baby, different techniques are used: first, colors, forms, tastes, smells, etc. are memorized separately, then there is a stage of correlating one or another object and its characteristics. And so, to a certain age, the child can already accurately answer that the lemon is yellow with a sour taste. That is, the sensations influenced the perception, which made it possible to add a holistic picture of the subject or phenomenon.