Vomiting in a cat causes

Vomiting is a simple way for an animal to get rid of gravity in the abdominal cavity. The owner should be able to distinguish between the simple need of the pet to cleanse the body of the pathologies provoked by the infections.

Causes of vomiting

A gag reflex immediately after a meal can work if the pet swallows the food too fast. To get rid of this addiction, the owner must feed the animal in small portions, otherwise there may be a turn in the bowels, dysfunction of the digestive tract, intestinal obstruction.

Periodic regurgitation of hair - a normal phenomenon, as during the care of the hair swallowed a lot of hairs. To facilitate the process of caring for a fur coat, often comb out the cat.

Variants, why the cat vomit, can be many: because of stress, malaise, intolerance to transport, poisoning, infection. More often than not, there are additional symptoms that can help diagnose the cause of the ailment.

Features of vomit in the cat

In the vomit mass are not only the remains of the previous meal, but various impurities. In order to help the animal as quickly as possible, you should inform the doctor about the time of the first urges and first vomiting, its frequency, consistency, appetite, etc.

If we talk about vomiting bile in a cat, the reasons are obvious: digestive difficulties that provoke the ingestion of bile on the walls of the stomach. Frequent desires indicate chronic problems with the liver, intestine or gallbladder. If the cat vomits with white foam, it is most likely that the pet has complications with the stomach. The whitish or yellowish foam along with the remains of the feed for the pregnant individual during the toxicosis is normal.

If the vomit is light green, then the cat ate the grass . Greater green is the signal for infection. A thick mucous consistency indicates the "presence" of chronic or erosive gastritis in the body, problems with the intestine, the presence of helminthic infections.

The cat vomits with blood of a brownish color - there is a suspicion of bleeding in the stomach (ulcer, swelling, foreign object). Inclusions of scarlet color indicate bleeding in the oral cavity or esophagus.

First aid involves the cessation of feeding and fast delivery of the animal to the branch. If your "miracle" lapped acid, thinner, alkali, feed him a tablespoon with enterosgel. If a sharp object was swallowed, you will need Vaseline oil. Provoke a bowel movement with a solution of one tablespoon of rock salt in a glass of warm water. Solder, until you vomit, or thrust your finger into the mouth of the animal (standing, not lying) closer to the root of the tongue.