Hormone therapy for breast cancer

Treatment with hormones in breast cancer produces usually good results. A doctor can prescribe a woman such treatment if her type of cancer on the basis of preliminary studies is a hormonally positive or sensitive disease. Hormonotherapy with breast cancer in this case helps to quickly cure this serious illness, prevents the recurrence of tumors.

Hormonadependent breast cancer is a tumor that is sensitive to the release of estrogens and progesterones into the blood. They are responsible for the development of the functions of certain cells, penetrating the structure of tissues and affecting the nucleus of tissue cells. Since the largest number of receptors in the female body have fat cells, it is the woman's breast that is most susceptible to the development of poor-quality and benign tumors .

A hormone-dependent breast tumor develops rapidly if it does not start blocking receptors reacting to hormones in time. With the timely hormonal treatment of cancer, the infected cells die quickly and the process stops.

The process of hormonal therapy in breast cancer

In the conditions of modern laboratories, biopsy material of the breast is being studied, where the final verdict can be a diagnosis:

Modern methods of research allow predicting the process of recovery of the patient based on the results of the sensitivity of cells to hormones. Hormone therapy can be adjuvant and non-adjuvant, and also therapeutic.

  1. Adjuvant hormone therapy is prescribed to patients for prophylactic purposes in the case of breast cancer and the active growth of adipose tissue on it, also during rehabilitation after surgery on the breast, after chemotherapy.
  2. Non-adjuvant hormone therapy takes place before surgery in cases where the tumor has already reached a large size and poses a serious threat.

The duration of this type of therapy depends strictly on the patient's health, the type of tumor and hormone, and side effects.