Rex breeds are important recommendations for content

Short-haired meat-and-rabbit breeds of the Rex breed were bred in France in the early 20th century. They appeared from Belgian giants thanks to a happy mutation. For an amazing fur the breed received the name - Rex, which means "king". In 1924, at an exhibition in Paris, the beauty of the skins conquered the beasts of Europe, from there began their resettlement around the world.

Rabbit Rex - description of the breed

The fur of the Rex rabbits is thick, silky, shiny and soft. The hair cover of animals is characterized by a special structure - the same length of skeleton and downy villi, it has no stratum, and because of this the wool looks like trimmed, velvety, velor. Fur can mimic a mink, a fur seal, a chinchilla, it is worn longer than other rabbit counterparts and is very much appreciated. Also this breed has tasty and tender low-fat meat, it is bred for skins and for consumption. The main characteristics of the rex rabbit:

Colors of rabbits rex

There are about twenty colors of such animals. The most popular colors for rabbits are rex colors, which are recognized throughout the world: red-brown (beaver), bright red, blue, white, black. Still common are chocolate, chinchilla, opal, golden, sable colors. The skin tone can differ not only in shades, there is a multicolored fur with different in number and shape spots.

Black Rabbit Rex

Popular color of animals with black fur: one-color or white-white. They are distinguished by the presence of hairs of a different shade. Uniform color is characterized by a blue-black color of the coat, uniform and possesses an attractive luster. Color does not have zaraznosti in the form of hairs of a different shade, the tone of the abdomen is often lighter than the main fur. The undercoat of this animal is dark blue, the eyes are brown. White Belt Rabbit Rex Black - description:

White Rabbit Rex

Very popular color with decorative dwarf rabbit Rex. With white hair, the hairline is glossy, shiny, has no stains and impurities of contrasting hairs. The eyes of such pets are blue or red, claws are colorless transparent. The drawbacks of the white standard include a faint shine of fur, a yellowness or gray shade of wool.

Red-haired Rex Rabbit

It has a rich color of reddish-red color, uniform, with a bright luster. Halos of the eyes, abdomen, inner surface of the paws and tail have a lighter shade (but not white). The color of the undercoat is reddish, uniform, full, eyes - brown. The disadvantages are dirty, mottled, pale color, white abdomen, dark halo of the eyes or edging of the ears.

Interestingly, the rex fire rabbits look - it seems that a pure black, brown or blue animal is dipped in red paint. The eyes of the first two species are brown, and the ash-colored pups have blue eyes. In this case, they have the lower part of the head, the eye rims, the inner part of the ears, the lower abdomen reddish, and the rest of the body is black, brown or blue.

Brown Rex Rabbit

The color of the animal has a uniform chocolate color, typical for miniature varieties. A dwarf rabbit of the brown rex breed is called "castor" - "king of beavers". It has a shiny chestnut fur, without inclusions and stains, the chocolate tone is evenly distributed throughout the animal's body, stains the fibers of the fur deep, up to the skin.

The skin of the animal resembles beaver color and velvet to the touch. The hue of the abdomen, the inner part of the tail, ears and feet is slightly lighter than the base color, the undercoat of such pets is blue. It is inadmissible faded tones, impregnations of white, reddish hue, uneven coloring. Claws of dark pink color, brown eyes with a slightly noticeable ruby ​​tint.

Contents of rabbits rex

Fluffy animals are not only valuable fur and meat. Lap-eared dwarf rex rex - decorative rabbits, which become pets. For their maintenance, an optimal external environment, sanitation and nutrition is needed. To pets heat, a cold, drafts, a dust, direct solar beams are counter-indicative. The best temperature regime for them is 18-20 ° C, you can not put a house near the battery. For walks in the fresh air it is worth buying a carry bag and a harness. Rabbits of the Rex breed are easily accustomed to the tray , playful by nature, go to their hands, know their nickname.

Basic rules of pet care:

Decorative rabbit rex - choose a cage

To keep them, you need a cage 70 cm long, 80 cm wide, 50 cm high. At the bottom of the rabbit house you need to lay filings or hay, which change twice a week. In the cage you need to install a deep pallet, as the animals like to dig. Rabbits Rex - features of the dwelling equipment:

Decorative rabbit of breed reks - feeding

The nutrition of the animal is the most important moment in its content, the pets have a small stomach that quickly digests food and therefore they eat all the time. Cultivation of rabbits rex implies the constant availability of quality feed in their food trough. The basic diet of home decorative pets:

Rex rabbits - diseases

Decorative rabbit of the breed rex is prone to diseases characteristic of all its relatives. The most dangerous are:

  1. VGBC ( viral haemorrhagic disease of rabbits ) . Transmitted from sick individuals, through the grass, insects. The disease is lethal, does not appear externally, there is no cure. For prophylaxis, vaccination is required every six months.
  2. Mixomatosis is a contagious rabbit virus, transmitted from sick animals, through food and insects. The disease is deadly, there is no cure, the symptoms are discharge from the eyes and nose, edema of the eyelids, ears. Vaccination every six months reduces the risk of infection and allows the animal to survive when infected.
  3. An infectious rhinitis. The impetus to the disease is given by unfavorable conditions of detention, which weaken the body. The disease is treated with solutions of furacilin and antibiotics.
  4. Infectious stomatitis. It manifests itself in abundant salivation, it is treated with a solution of copper sulfate or manganese, which is used to irrigate the oral cavity.
  5. Diarrhea. The reason - low-quality food, unsanitary conditions in the cage, a large number of vegetables in the food. The house needs to be disinfected, give the animal an infusion of chamomile, with prolonged diarrhea, consult a doctor.
  6. Helminths. When infected, the pet loses its appetite and weight. For prophylaxis, use Pirantel or Dirofen every 3 months.

Breeding of Rex Rabbits

Animals are suitable for reproduction at the age of 7 months to 3 years. At a later age, the female is not recommended to be allowed to breed. Ready for mating, the individual rakes the litter and prepares the nest. The females of the rex rabbits are attached to the male during the breeding. This is a multiple-bearing animal with a high multiplication rate. A healthy female leads to 12-16 calves, gives birth to 9 times a year. Rabbits of the Rex breed carry babies for 30-45 days, they can give offspring at any time of the year.

The cubs are born helpless - hairless, blind and deaf, but they have a perfectly developed sense of smell. On the 14th day the rabbits open their eyes and wool appears. In 3 weeks they leave a nest and can eat independently. From the mother of the kids they planted in 8 weeks. Rabbits are ripe and quickly gain weight. By the age of 4 months they reach the size of adult animals.