Natural honey

Now, be sure that on the table you have a bowl with natural honey, you can only if this bee product is produced in your own apiary. Otherwise, even those who are engaged in beekeeping and the sale of honey on an industrial scale are not always honest with customers and often dilute the product with various surrogates, close to the taste for natural honey bees, to increase profits. In addition, beekeepers for the same purpose feed the bees with sugar syrup, which adversely affects the beneficial properties of the product and significantly reduces its value. How can a simple inhabitant distinguish natural honey from artificial honey and avoid buying a substandard product? Let's look at how natural bee honey should be in color, taste and consistency, to easily distinguish it from a counterfeit.

How to distinguish natural honey from forgery?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying honey is its density and density. The natural product slowly drains from the spoon, snakes in the jar, forming a slide, which spreads not immediately, but gradually. If you try to spin a spoon during the flow of honey, then the product winds around it, rather than continues to drain. Of course, the taste and smell of the bee product is of no small importance. The latter should be soft, pleasant, floral, and not give caramel, be sharp, obtrusive or not at all.

If you taste natural bee honey for taste, then you should feel a slight bitterness, a slight bitterness and you should definitely feel a slight sore throat.

Be sure to pay attention to the color of natural flower honey. It can range from light brown and yellow to dark brown, but not to be excessively light. If you have a transparent light product before you, then the bees are beyond all doubt simply fed sugar syrup. Such a product will not cause harm, but it will not be of much use.

If you can not determine the authenticity of natural honey in an organoleptic way, or you still doubt the quality of the product you purchased, then you can resort to more complex testing.

How to determine natural honey at home?

An admixture of moisture in honey or sugar syrup can be detected using a special chemical pencil. In this case, he will change color. If you do not have one, you can use the usual blotting paper, dropping a drop of the product onto it. If honey is natural and quality, then it will not get wet.

Another sure way to make sure the authenticity of honey. It is necessary to drop a little honey on a sheet of plain paper and set it on fire. Natural honey does not burn and does not change color, only paper will burn in this case, and honey will remain. If the falsifier is before you, it will darken, it will smoke or you will smell the burnt sugar.