Wedding on the Cover - signs

Many couples who want to play a wedding in the fall, choose the date of the wedding on October 14. And this is not an accident, it is on this day that the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated.

What holiday is it?

According to the scriptures, in the 10th century the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary occurred in one of the Christian churches. The Virgin prayed with everyone, then threw off the cloth that covered her head, and covered her church members, thereby sheltering and protecting them from adversity and danger.

Why, according to the signs, the wedding of the Pokrov will be happy?

The Virgin's headdress is associated with the veil of the bride, so that day there are so many marriages. The newlyweds are sure that the Most Holy Mother of God will protect and protect their alliance with her veil. In addition, there is another sign. According to her, the Mother of God will protect the spouses not only from adversity, but also from quarrels and disagreements that can destroy a strong family.

Wedding on the Feast of the Most Holy Theotokos - signs

According to the beliefs, the alliance concluded on the Protection of the day will in any case be successful, regardless of the weather. However, it is considered that if the sun shines on the Pokrov day, and the weather is warm, then the union will also the same happy and bright. If you hit frost - the couple are waiting for the test, which they will be overcome by the Blessed Virgin. If, during the wedding, the Pokrov is raining, there is another sign. This means that the Blessed Virgin blesses the union that was concluded on that day.

But do not rely entirely on the signs and believe that the marriage, concluded on the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be successful without your participation. We need to make efforts to build a strong family. After all, without a hard work and mutual concessions, a good union is impossible. Work hard, and the Mother of God will definitely help you.