Why does the blood in his arms dream?

In a dream, a person can see completely ordinary and sometimes unexpected things that let you know a lot of interesting and important information about the future. There is no definite interpretation of sleep about blood on the hands, so it is worth considering other details of the plot, and the emotions experienced.

Why does the blood in his arms dream?

To see spots on the upper limbs, means, it is necessary to expect failures, and the planned plans will not be realized. Even such a dream warns about problems with close people. In one of the dream books blood is considered a harbinger of news from relatives. If there was a lot of blood, and she ran down the limbs, then the news will be sad. For a woman in a marriage, such a dream is an indication of the infidelity of the spouse. If a dreamer saw blood on the hands of another person, then in reality you should not trust him. In some cases, the dream, where the blood was on their own hands, promises an unexpected arrival of relatives. In one dream book such a dream is a harbinger of obtaining an inheritance.

Why does someone else's blood dream?

Such a night vision can be taken as a warning that neutrality should be maintained in all situations. Another such plot is a harbinger of failures, which can be avoided, but only with active work.

Why dream about a cut hand with blood?

A dream where the blood flows from the wound on the arm, indicates the development of some disease. If a lot of blood flows out of the cut, this is a bad sign that indicates the occurrence of material problems. In the near future, it is not worth borrowing and agreeing to any transactions. We'll figure out what the cut of the arm with the blood, which eventually managed to stop. Such a plot is a positive sign, which indicates that due to its own work it will be possible to cope with all problems and improve life in all spheres.