The bird sat on the window - a sign

Birds know how to do what a person dreams about since flying on the earth. Largely due to this, these God's creatures have been given from time to time magical qualities and abilities to warn of impending adversity. There are a lot of admissions about the behavior of birds, but what to expect from the one that sat on the window - in this article.

People's signs that the bird sat on the window

Birds live in a neighborhood with a person all the time. He feeds them, builds birdhouses, admires them from afar, but when the feathered creature shows activity and perseverance in seeking to look out the window or even penetrate beyond, it causes unaccountable panic and anxiety. And to this day, many believe that this is the soul of a deceased relative sending messages and wants to warn about some future events, and not always sad. Much depends on the species of the bird and the color of its plumage.

What does it mean if the bird sat on the window:

The white plumage of a bird is a good sign, but black or gray is a bad sign. According to one of the most common signs, a bird sitting on the windowsill outside the window and banging its beak in the glass promises death. However, here everything is not so clear. It happens that the feathered creature even penetrates into the room and also leaves it unexpectedly, but this does not entail such terrible consequences, but is merely a portent of news from afar. In any case, especially impressionable people should listen to the note when the bird sat on the grid of the window, and visit the temple, pray, order a prayer service about the health of all relatives and relatives and just do not think about the bad, tune in to a positive outcome of events.