What distinguishes blueberries from blueberries?

Many people who adore berries do not even think about how blueberries differ from blueberries. But they have a lot of differences, and it will not be superfluous to learn about the peculiarities of each berry.

What's the difference between blueberries and blueberries?

First, we will understand the visual differences of berries, they are also available, because blueberries and blueberries are not the same plant, so even the appearance of bushes and berries will be different. The signs by which you can determine what is in front of you, blueberries or blueberries are somewhat:

  1. The bushes of blueberries are practically stolen, whereas blueberries grow vertically. The size of the bush of berries is also different, blueberry, as a rule, higher.
  2. Blueberries grow in dark forests, especially a lot in fir groves. Blueberries can grow even on dry sand, so you can meet it almost everywhere.
  3. Blueberries are not very susceptible to diseases, blueberries are often affected by pests.
  4. Blueberries have a darker blue hue than blueberries.
  5. The juice of blueberries is also darker, whereas the juice of the second berry has almost no color.
  6. Berries are less blueberry than blueberries.
  7. Blueberry almost does not stain the lips, if you eat it. Stains from its juice are easily washed, blueberry, unfortunately, almost always remain on the fabric and is not removed even with the help of bleaches.

Useful properties of blueberries and blueberries also differ. The first berry contains a large amount of ascorbic acid and pectins, these substances help to strengthen the immune system, remove toxins from the body, and have a beneficial effect on digestive processes. It is proved that blueberries help to restore vision, so it is recommended to those who constantly work at the computer monitor.

Blueberry is appreciated for the presence of organic acids and fiber in it. This berry helps to regulate the intestine, it can influence the conductivity of nerve fibers.

Of course, both berries contain vitamins and minerals, and this expresses the similarity of blueberries and blueberries. Both berries are considered useful, because they contain vitamins A, C and B, and the amount of these substances is quite large.

To say unequivocally that it is better than blueberry or blueberry is impossible. Both these berries contain vitamins, minerals and promote the normalization of many processes in the body. Experts argue that with poor eyesight, it will be more sensible to consume blueberries, and to restore memory and improve thinking processes, blueberry is more suitable. If we are talking only about strengthening the immune system and saturating the body with useful substances, the one and the other berry will do.

What's more tasty, blueberries or blueberries?

Of course, an unequivocal answer to this question can not be, each berry has its own unique taste and has its fans. Bilberry is considered more sweet, it is often used as a filling for pies and vareniki. The rich taste of this berry makes it an excellent ingredient for various desserts, including those whose caloric content is very low. Despite the sweet taste, blueberries do not contain a lot of calories, so it is often recommended to eat those who are dieting and want to pamper themselves with delicious.

Blueberries are less sweet, its berries are slightly sour and more fleshy than blueberries. It is also an ingredient for creating many desserts, but it often has to be mixed with sugar when preparing the dish. The taste of blueberries is usually liked by those who do not like sugary sweet desserts, and prefers that berries and fruits quite a bit sour.