Rogersia - landing and care in the open ground

Uncommon in our gardens you can meet this interesting plant - rodzersiyu, although it is familiar from the nineteenth century, when it was brought to our country from China . It is a miracle of nature in honor of the man who headed the expedition to the Celestial Empire - John Rogers.

This perennial plant for a couple of years is significantly expanding in breadth, and therefore initially requires a large area for planting. Beautiful brown-burgundy or emerald leaves, for which and appreciated rodzersiya in a garden of a fairly large diameter. But the flowers on the contrary - small, collected in paniculate inflorescences and admire them can be about a month from May to June.

Kinds and varieties of rogernia

Today, our florists cultivate four of the most popular species of rogiersia:

Place for planting

In order for Rogersia to show its full splendor in full force, it will be necessary to think carefully about the place for it. After all, this plant is not very fond of the sun, but in the penumbra it grows just fine, pleasing the eye with its unusual shades of foliage.

The soil for the plant will suit loamy, but it is nutritious enough. In addition, the site on which the plant is planned to plant should be well protected from winds during the cold season.

The plant is very responsive to watering, but it's even better when the plantings are located around water bodies, because then the moisture-saturated air has the most positive effect on the brightness of the leaves.

Care of rodgersia

This plant can be safely classified as a simple and problem-free. If you plant rodgersia in the open ground, then care for it is reduced only to regular and abundant watering, without which the plant does not develop. With the right location, this decorative plant lives without a transplant until 10 years.

In addition to abundant watering during the summer season, the florist will only have to remove the dried leaves and peduncles when they have faded. Due to the fact that Rogersia is practically not affected by pests, you can forget about the treatment with fungicides of this corner of the garden or flower garden. Most often, Rogersia well tolerates winter under a large layer of snow. But if it has not fallen out yet, and the frosts are not far off, then you should cover the plants with leaves or lapnika. In the northern regions where there is a threat of freezing, it is best to place the rhizomes in the fall in a cellar in a container with sawdust or earth, as we used to do with dahlias .


Rodgersia transplant is carried out throughout the summer season, although the new plant is best planted in the spring. To propagate the bush, it is necessary to dig a necessary part of the rhizome with a shovel, gently cutting it. The seed rodsya propagation is rare, because this process is very long and laborious.

Why does not flowers bloom?

And although the whole beauty of the plant lies in the foliage, not the flowers, many inexperienced growers are concerned about the lack of flowering. This can happen when the plant is missing something or from an overabundance. To find out this can only be experienced by watching the bush.

It happens that the earth is too saturated with nitrogen, and therefore the foliage grows simply gigantic, but at the expense of flowering. Or initially from the spring there was an irregular and insufficient watering, and rozdersiya could not lay buds. If the place for a plant is chosen unsuccessfully - in a bright sun or in the lowland, where the roots are dead, then the flowers can not wait.