Rosary with own hands

The most advantageous option in creating a rosary is a mixed planting in it. With these plantings, plants are less sick, and the decorative season is noticeably lengthened. And the main task will be the creation of such a rosary, which is decorative even at a time when roses do not blossom.

And now you have come very close to the question of how to make a rosary with your own hands. For all the beauty of the rose flower, the shape of the bush is not very decorative. And if you want a rosary in your dacha site to look great, you need to pick up roses of such companions whose bush is beautiful most of the season. These companions will make your rosary attractive all season.

Rosary design

The main partners of roses are tall plants that immediately catch sight. There should not be more than three in the rosary. In order to create vertical accents, you can choose different cereals. They fit almost any style of your flower garden. Even one such bush can give a certain structure to the future rosary. The most suitable for this purpose is miscanthus Chinese: its requirements for care are very similar to roses. Also for these purposes, you can plant cereal crops by praying to blue, spartin or reed.

Another focus in the rosary is the columnar coniferous plants, for example, juniper or thuja. They will be decorative all year round. It is better if they are of different heights, for example: high plant, lower and lowest.

And the classic version of a beautiful accent - high perennials, inflorescences in which are located vertically. It can be mullein or foxglove and plant them in groups throughout the rosary.

The next group of plant partners in the rosary are medium and foreground plants. For this, geranium, host, cuff, and also dwarf conifers are suitable. In addition, it is possible to plant balls of boxwood and spiraea low. Japanese irises will look great with roses. They bloom rarely, but they have excellent decorative greenery.

To complete the design of the rosary, a background of filler plants is needed. To do this, plants suitable for which small flowers create a cloud effect: katran, gypsophila, large geraniums. It is very unusual, but dill and fennel look very attractive here.

Rosary device

Before you do the rosary, you need to make a plan for your future flower garden. Here is an example of such a scheme of the rosary, created in red-orange-yellow colors:

  1. Rose 'Duftwolke' - very fragrant coral-red flowers up to 13 cm in diameter.
  2. Rose 'Rise'n Shine' is a tea rose with yellow flowers, a high flowering bush.
  3. Rose 'Apricot Sun-blaze' - fragrant orange-red terry flowers.
  4. Rose 'Scarlet Gem' - bright red terry flowers.
  5. Rose 'Chicago Peace' - pink with canary-yellow shade flowers up to 12 cm. Bush height of 100 cm.
  6. Rose 'Deep Secret' - dark red, very fragrant flowers up to 12 cm in diameter, Rigid bush up to 90 cm high.
  7. Low hedge from the asters of curb or boxwood.

It is very important to choose the right place for the rosary. It should be, though not large, but necessarily sunny. First you need to create clear boundaries of your rosary with the help of curbs or low hedges that will be purely decorative. Then you can begin to fill the rosary itself. To do this, you need to select the color gamut that will prevail in your rosary. There are a lot of options here, it all depends on your taste. Now it's up to you to choose the roses themselves. The optimal option - to choose compact and miniature varieties, for example, floribunda, polyanthus, or new tea-hybrid varieties.

Create at least a small rose garden in your garden, take care of roses with love, and these beautiful flowers will please you with their beauty and wonderful aroma.