What do the children's drawings say?

Children love to draw. Children's drawings are valuable in that they contain information not only about the artistic abilities of the child and his technical skills in the activity, but also about the emotional and psychological state. To interpret children's drawings is not necessarily to be a psychologist. If desired, the basics of the analysis can be mastered by any parent or a person close to the child, for which it is necessary to understand what the kid feels, what is especially important for him in his worldview, what problems concern him.

Color in the drawing

The most important indicator of the mood and feeling of the child is the color. The rule is that if the baby uses 5 to 6 colors in the figure. If a child uses more colors, then this indicates his emotionality and, possibly, artistic endowments. If the palette of the picture is poor, then the child experiences a negative impact or in his life not enough vivid impressions.

The predominance of yellow and purple suggests that the child is very positive about the world around him. Red color is a measure of hyperactivity and even aggressiveness . In the drawing a lot of blue - the baby experiences internal tension, green - the child feels insecure and worries about his safety. Brown signals a worried discomfort, and black reflects depression, negativism, a complete lack of understanding and acceptance on the part of loved ones.

An image of people and animals

That's how the child depicts people, and sometimes animals speaks eloquently about the feelings he feels for loved ones, how he perceives existing relationships. Suggesting to draw a preschool or a junior high school student, you will conduct a simple test. If a child does not draw any of the household members, this is an indication that the relative is unsympathetic to him. The person closest to the author of the drawing will be drawn next, and the color of his clothes will most likely match the color of the baby's costume. A good sign, when the dimensions of each depicted correspond with the growth of real people. If the pope is hanging over a tiny child in the picture, then in reality the kid is afraid of his parent. When a child depicts himself more than everyone else, even adult members of the family, then this is an alarming signal: a double egoist grows! Often the child depicts a family of animals. Interpret this drawing in a manner similar to the picture depicting people. It is also important how the features of the face, parts of the body are drawn. Raised hands, large brushes, bared teeth, hair on end - all this is a manifestation of aggression. Small eyes symbolize fear, absence of mouth - impossibility to speak. If someone has no ears, then this member of the family does not hear others.

Drawing Details

Many details of the picture are very indicative. So, if a child draws dark clouds, black birds, then he is hard at experiencing the negative processes taking place in the family. Are there any walls or objects in the picture? Hence, there are significant difficulties in understanding between family members. Bright flowers, butterflies, colorful birds - the child is optimistic, joyous events prevail in his life. There is controversy about how to explain the image of the sun. After all, in the drawings of children who are brought up in an orphanage, this is the most common element. Most psychologists believe that if the sun appears in the drawings, where its presence is justified, and the dimensions of the depicted luminaries are realistic, then the child feels quite comfortable. The excessive size of the sun and its appearance in drawings, where it should not be (for example, in a room), indicates that the baby feels a shortage of maternal heat.

Character of lines

Weak pressure indicates psychological instability, excessive pressure, coupled with the fact that the image "does not fit" within the boundaries of the picture - the child is aggressive, sweeping and careless line signals that the kid is impulsive, inclined to emotional explosions. Accurate lines with an average degree of pressure indicate a balanced and stable state of the child.

A single figure can not fully reveal the state of the child. Only after considering a few isorabot, done with small time intervals, we can conclude about the psychological state of the baby. If there are a lot of disturbing details in the drawings, try to rethink relations in the family, to direct the relationships between family members in a positive way.