Raspberry leaves before birth

Raspberry is really a valuable berry. And its valuable vitamins, and microelements, are concentrated not only in the fruit itself, but also in leaves and cuttings.

How does raspberries affect delivery?

There is an opinion that the raspberry leaves before birth prepare the cervix for delivery. However, this statement is not entirely true. The fact is that the raspberry leaves boiled in tea do not affect the condition of the cervix before delivery and do not make it more elastic, but rather cause a sharp contraction of the uterus. That's why to avoid premature birth, do not recommend taking a drink with raspberry leaves until the 36th week of pregnancy. It is especially dangerous to take this tea in the early stages of pregnancy.

Still it is worth considering that each organism is individual and reacts in its own way to this or that medicine, and in this case, we consider raspberries not as tea, but as a medicine. Therefore, it is better to remember that raspberries are a means that can cause childbirth. For example, in the USA it is allowed to drink pregnant women raspberries before delivery in order to accelerate the onset of childbirth.

However, you do not have to overdo it here. Even if you are sure that you normally carry raspberries, and your gynecologist has allowed you to take a decoction of raspberry leaves, do not abuse this drug. And it is important to take into account another rule: the hotter the drink, the more intense will be its effect, and accordingly, the fights can be stronger. Therefore, it is better to take a cold or warm broth.

In the event that the cervix is ​​not ready for delivery, and you caused a fight, after drinking too much decoction from the raspberry leaves, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the doctor determines that it is too early to give birth, the contractions will be withdrawn medically.

Preparation of cervix for childbirth

It is believed that it is quite difficult to affect the readiness of the cervix for delivery. It is the fusion of several factors, such as heredity, and the state of health, especially the hormonal background.

However, the following exercises are well prepared for the birth of the cervix:

In addition to exercises, it is proved that she perfectly prepares the cervix for childbirth regular, unprotected sex with her husband. Doctors advise to pay attention to this last two months before giving birth. Although there are contraindications, it is better to first talk with gynecologist who is watching pregnancy.