Aggression in children

Aggression is a negative reaction of a child to the actions or actions of others that he did not like. Reaction is an expression of anger and resentment in the form of words or physical impact, for example, impact. If the child's aggression is backed up by mistakes in upbringing, it can develop into aggressiveness, as a trait of character. On how to cope with the aggression of the child and build a correct line of his behavior and will go further.

The manifestation of aggression in children

The main manifestation of aggression in preschool children is the desire to hit another child, call him or take away his toy. Children with aggressive behavior often provoke other children to fight, and adults are taken out of a state of mental equilibrium. Very often aggressive children are "hairy" and it is difficult to find an approach to them.

Aggressive children very rarely admit their mistakes, refuse to comply with the rules, they can be vindictive. Another sign of the presence of aggression in the child are outbreaks of an angry reaction to the actions of others that the child did not like. If most of the indicated signs of aggression in the child are available, it is better to contact an experienced specialist who will be engaged in correction.

Aggression in children can be hidden, especially in cases where parents seek to suppress it, and choose incorrect methods for this.

Causes of aggression in children

The main factors that contribute to the emergence of aggression in children include the following factors:

The educational process should be right for the child to develop harmoniously. Under the rightness is understood, first of all, the unity of demands on the part of both parents and their personal example. Only by their personal example parents develop behavioral skills in the child. The actions and actions of parents should not be at variance with the demands they place on their children. In a family where aggression manifests itself in relation to other members, the child will perceive it as the norm.

The child shows aggression and due to physical punishments from the parents. The same reactions occur also when parents, on the contrary, give little attention to the child. Trying to win his "place under the sun", he demonstrates this line of behavior.

Correction of aggression in children

If the child has just started showing signs of aggression, parents can correct this behavior. First of all, it is necessary to establish a benevolent atmosphere in the family itself. Physical punishment should be avoided. Also, do not completely ignore the manifestations of anger, or abruptly suppress it. Such extremes will only contribute to aggressive reactions.

The child needs to be taught to cope with his anger, calmly explaining to him how one can behave differently in this or that situation. You should hug him more often and show him your love. Tactile sensations, especially at an early age, are of great importance for the child.

On how to properly respond to aggression from the child, parents should judge based on the situation. If anger is directed at inanimate objects and things, attention should be shifted to another object or to positively characterize the action. For example, a child can tear a paper from anger, but by connecting to this process, you can play with it, imagining that you are preparing confetti. If aggression is manifested in relation to children or an adult, the child can be left alone for a short time, then explaining to him why it happened. Having shown patience and love in relation to his child, aggression can be completely removed.

If aggression in children is severe, specialists treat it. Depending on the complexity of the disorder, an exercise or medication course is chosen.