What does the newborn kitten look like?

Many people are touched by the sight of kittens, and this is not surprising, because the crumbs are so charming! Alas, the dreaming kittens do not always promise good news and events in the future.

What does the newborn kitten look like?

To this question, dream books usually do not respond very well. A newborn, a blind kitten means helplessness and weakness. True, we are not talking about the real state of things, but about the subjective self-awareness of the dreamer. So in this case it is necessary to assemble and, trying to reassure yourself something comforting, try to believe in yourself. Moreover, if many newborn kittens dreamed at once, then this heralds minor disorders or mild ailments, but also in large numbers. However, some dream books suggest that a newborn kitten can promise a successful solution to some old problem.

But the predictions of dream books about what the dream of the birth of kittens in a cat, and completely contradictory. Some argue that this is for joy and luck. Others - to a pile of minor troubles. In general, the kitten itself is not the most successful symbol for sleep. It means trouble and cunning. Including can mean self-deception. There is also such an interpretation that predicts a cash flow. And if the kittens are also healthy and pretty, then this can indicate a close family celebration.

What does a cat dream about with newborn kittens?

Speaking of such a dream, we note that optimistic and more pessimistic forecasts coexist in this case too. Some are sure that the dream will bring in a lot of trouble in the near future (apparently, next time it will be a dream that you attach kittens to friends). Other dream books believe that the dream is good: as a result of efforts, the dreamer will gain something valuable and useful for himself.

Somewhat different may be the answer to the question of what the new-born kittens dream of a woman. This dream can hint at an imminent pregnancy . And maybe - for gossip and rumors. However, it can be the same if the woman is not married.