Superlunium - signs and superstitions, rites and conspiracies

The appearance in the firmament of a huge crimson moon becomes a grandiose event for many mystics. Superlunium, signs and superstitions associated with it are increasingly intriguing modern people. Let's plunge into the world of the unknown and learn how to attract luck and prosperity.

What does the super moon mean?

Scientists describe the super moon as a rare phenomenon in astrology, when the Moon is very close to the Earth. Since ancient times people have been watching this phenomenon, but they can not completely explain its influence on the planet. Clairvoyants say that these days there are supernatural events, and many people are becoming more sensitive to the other world.

What is a mystery superluny? Ancient healers and healers preferred to collect medicinal herbs, on the brightest night of the year. In ancient letters it is pointed out that the witches' coven and the transformation of man into the beast occurred in the days of the approach of the moon. This topic is mysterious and inexplicable, so it is so interesting to study its secrets.

Super Moon - signs

Modern youth is increasingly immersed in the study of mystical phenomena. With great interest, we are expecting the approach of a huge moon on the horizon. Astrologers seek to predict catastrophes, and journalists frighten terrible stories about past natural disasters. In fact, not many people can boast of knowledge about how the super moon and signs are related:

  1. At this time, do not start new projects or solve serious issues. Do not clarify the relationship with loved ones, a small quarrel can grow into a serious scandal.
  2. For the first time, having kissed on the brightest night, a strong bond with the beloved is found.
  3. In the period of the superunion, signs and superstitions say that if you hear the throaty howls of dogs, you should expect to part with your spouse.
  4. Lovers of girls, gazing at the big moon, will proclaim a prophetic dream to their narrowed.
  5. To quickly get married, three times wash the floors on the night of the super moon.
  6. During this period it is impossible to engage in conservation.
  7. You can not cut hair and perform cosmetic procedures.

Money signs for the super moon

On the eve of the approach of the moon to our planet, the influence of various spells increases. Professionals in the mystical realm use this period in various issues, especially the rituals that bring prosperity and well-being to the family work efficiently. Combining the super moon and money, they revealed certain signs, which should be heeded:

  1. To attract bills to the purse, you need to put a penny into it and try not to spend it.
  2. The house will be prosperous if you celebrate the wedding on the eve of the super moon.
  3. If a hole is formed in the pocket, it is necessary to sew it up on the brightest nights, then the money will cease to flow.
  4. During this period, you need to sleep in a red robe, saturated with moonlight, it will attract success.
  5. It is impossible to lend, otherwise quarrels with a friend can not be avoided.
  6. You do not have to try to get a raise from the head, otherwise you can lose what you had.

Bloody Super Moon - folk signs

During the period of the Red Moon, it is necessary to be extremely cautious, on the road emergency situations become more frequent, especially in the air. Scientists have noticed that at this time a person becomes more irritable and nervous, and mentally unhealthy patients aggressively behave themselves. Bloody superloon signs that need to know came to us from a long time:

  1. It is necessary to try to avoid falling moon rays, otherwise from nightmares can not be saved.
  2. It is advisable to give up evening walks especially with children and women in position.
  3. If possible, surgical interventions should be postponed until the next day.
  4. Within a few days after the red moon, it is better not to go on a trip otherwise not to be happy and joyful.
  5. During this period, chronic diseases worsen, so it is recommended that you stock up on medications.
  6. If you lean on alcohol, papoyavitsya risk of earning a pernicious habit.

Superwill is superstition

Since ancient times, people have linked global disasters, murders and suicides with the influence of the lunar approximation. A myth is known that these days the number of newborns is increasing. However, German doctors denied the truth of this assumption. There is a suggestion that during this period sexual activity increases and the chance to conceive a baby increases.

In ancient times it was believed that on the super moon the coven was a must for the undead. Therefore, people tried not to appear on the streets after sunset. Witches claimed that this night belongs to vampires and werewolves who go hunting. And the rest of the evil spirits, arranges a grand feast with human sacrifices. You can not believe in all these superstitions and consider them just an unhealthy imagination of our ancestors is the choice of everyone.

What to do on the super moon?

There has long been a practice of working with lunar energy. In order for the interaction to be the most powerful, making wishes is necessary at midnight. The magic of the super moon protects women. Therefore, the wishes should be more romantic. Ask for love, forging relationships with loved ones and women's health. On such days it is good to purify the karma from the negative.

Before seeking help, you need to properly prepare for the mystical process. To begin with, you should cleanse yourself externally and internally, take a bath, put on light clothes and forget about your problems for a while. Appeal to the moon is desirable in the open space, if there is no possibility to be in the nature, you can go out on the balcony. The request is formulated in an arbitrary form, but in the end it is important to thank the planet for help.

What are the plots doing for the super moon?

The brightest night is on the energy peak. A powerful stream of light charges everything with positive flows. To attract financial prosperity, for three days put an empty purse on the moonlight. At the same time they say: "As stars in the sky, like grains of sand on the beach, and money in my wallet . " It remains only to receive excellent emotions from cash receipts.

Plots in the super moon will help get rid of addictions, diseases or gossip. You can write 3 basic things on a red sheet of paper and burn it using a black candle. Ash should be dispelled in the wind at 12 o'clock in the morning. To attract love, looking at the full moon, they recite a plot: "As the month grows, so does the attraction of a lover to me intensify. As the air is necessary for man, so I will need (name of my beloved) . " Then she goes to bed, not talking to anyone.

Rituals for suprlunium

  1. Execution of desires . We need to write on the sheet our material requests, thank the Higher Power for what we will achieve in the future and what we already have, for example: "Thank you for the new car, cozy home, profitable work . " A large bill is wrapped in a sheet and placed on the moonlight for three days. Psychics claim that within a year, requests will begin to come true.
  2. To love . Conduct in the super moon rituals for love and increased attractiveness. Collect in a cup of purified water, pour a pinch of salt into it and put it on the window. Read the spell several times: "Lunar water, like a tear of a girl, will become young, beautiful and carefree. The lover loves me for its attractiveness and accommodating nature . " In the morning they drink a sip of water with the words: "The Voditsa in me - the beauty of the face." Repeat this action until all water has run out.

Rituals for the Superunion

  1. On strong love . We take the most beautiful crystal vase and a few dried buds. If there are no flowers, you can buy tea from the petals of roses. We find willow and poplar on the street. We cut it off the trees on a branch, saying: "It will help me to find a woman with femininity and wisdom. Poplar will ignite a man's passion and give a spark of love . " Arriving home, we connect the branches and put them in a vase of flowers. At midnight we take out the contents of the vase on the street, pour it out onto the ground, saying: "The moon beauty is cold and changeable. And love will give me a hot and constant. "
  2. On wealth . In the Superlon rite of wealth can be held at home. We take a container with spring water and silver coins. We put the basin so that the Moon reflects in it, we pour in the money. We bring the left hand to the night sowing with the words: "The gracious light will bring prosperity to the house, and silver will bring prosperity to my hands . " After the ritual, it is desirable to pour the water into the ground, and put the coins in the purse.

How to make a wish for a super moon?

Since ancient times, esotericists believe in the existence of moon goddesses, which help to achieve any goal. Guessing desire is necessary sincerely, as the heart tells. Some people use mantras, read special appeals or prayers and meditations, but how to make a wish for a super moon to decide for everyone on their own. With requests you can refer to: Green Tara, the patroness of the feminine; Damara, responsible for the comfort of home; Sedna, safeguarding prosperity or Kuan Yin merciful and compassionate.