Is it possible to give a mirror?

Despite the fact that people have long conquered the cosmos, and computers and mobile phones have become familiar objects for us, many of us continue to observe the ancient traditions. Some superstitions are connected with the fact that it is absolutely impossible to give a mirror. What could frighten a close person with ordinary glass, inserted in a beautiful frame? What does the mirror give, and why does it frighten so many?

Even before our era the first mirrors appeared. The first products were made of metal - silver, copper or bronze. Only later did people learn how to apply a reflective film to the glass. They were then not only very expensive items, but they immediately in many cultures took a special place in people's lives. Mystics, sorcerers, alchemists and shamans endowed them with special abilities, which was reflected in folk tales and beliefs. Remember the Greek story of the Medusa Gorgon, who died when she saw her reflection. This legend is already many hundreds of years. Later, during the Middle Ages, some religious fanatics insisted that mirrors are associated with evil spirits, and they should be banned altogether. Also many legends are associated with them in India, Japan and China.

Many of us know Russian fairy tales, in which the mirror plays a huge role. We also believed that these items can connect people with the other world. Maybe then it appeared that it was a bad sign to give a mirror. Also, there are many rituals associated with divination, in which these subjects occupy the main place. Everyone knows that during the funeral, in the house where the deceased is, mirrors should be hung with a cloth. Also, people prone to mysticism believe that these brilliant products can accumulate negative energy. Maybe that's why, many people walk around beautiful old mirrors, in antique shops and museums.

Is it possible to give a mirror to a girl?

None of us want to be in an absurd situation or accidentally offend a loved one. When shopping for an anniversary or other celebration, many are wondering whether the mirror is presented as a gift today. Before you prepare such a gift for a friend , it is worth knowing how she will perceive it. A mirror presented with good intentions can not bring anything bad, but not everyone is able to understand this. It is not worth it to convince a girl that all these beliefs are wild nonsense and grandmother's tales. A woman can be offended, although at first she will not give a look. Old fears are firmly seated deep inside, and one needs to understand with respect to other people's feelings and beliefs. In this case, it is better to prepare for her another gift than to run into a foolish quarrel.