Poisoning by the Fish - Symptoms and Treatment

Certainly, seafood is very useful for health, but with improper storage and processing, they can become a real poison for the body. Therefore, it is important to immediately determine the poisoning by fish - the symptoms and treatment directly depend on the time of intoxication and the spread of harmful substances in the blood and lymph, the degree of damage to the digestive system.

Symptoms of fish poisoning

The main signs of a pathological condition:

What to do if you are poisoned with fish?

First aid is to immediately call the medical team and the following actions:

  1. Give the patient a large amount of water to drink (at least 5 glasses), then cause him to vomit to clean the stomach.
  2. Grate the abdomen area with a solution of vinegar and put a warm water bottle on the epigastrium.
  3. Give the victim an effective, but natural laxative, for example, a tablespoon of castor oil.
  4. It is also advisable to restore the salt and water balance, fit the drug Regidron .
  5. When need to further cleanse the intestines by enema with warm water.

Treatment of fish poisoning

Follow-up therapy consists in removing the symptoms of the described condition. To do this, apply:

It is important to observe a sparing diet and increase the amount of water consumed.