What helps the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God?

Icon of the Sovereign Mother of God appeared to the Russian people in March 1917 in the village of Kolomenskoye, which is located near Moscow. What is interesting is this event coincided with a significant historical event - the renunciation of the power of Tsar Nicholas II. A resident of this village had a dream in her dream, in which the Mother of God addressed her and said that it was necessary to find a black icon and to offer prayers before her. The peasant woman followed the instructions of the Higher Powers and found an image in the basement of the Ascension Church, which was in very poor condition. After all the dirt was removed the woman found out the icon presented in her dream. Since that time, the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God began to work miracles, and this led to the arrival of pilgrims from all over the country. During the reign of the Soviet government persecutions of Orthodox Christians took place, therefore people who honored this image were arrested and punished.

The day of this icon is March 15th.

Before we find out what we are praying for before the icon of the Holy Mother of God, we learn that the name is depicted on it. In this image, the Virgin is represented sitting on a throne in a red robe. On her head is a crown, and in her hands a scepter and a power. She holds the Son of God in her arms, who sends a blessing gesture with one hand. With their faces, the Mother of God and the God-Child are turned to praying people. In the upper part of the icon in the image of the elder is depicted God, who also sends a blessing gesture.

What helps the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God?

Since the image was found and purified, he began to work miracles. The icon was taken to different parishes, where people lined up, wishing to touch the shrine. Today we know a lot evidence of how the prayers near this face helped to cope with different problems. It is worth noting that not only the original but also the icon's lists are known for miraculous displays.

Prayer before the icon The Sovereign Mother of God helps a person get rid of heart experiences and various bodily and spiritual traumas. Appeals before the icon give an opportunity to cope with various diseases and recover from them. Another meaning of the icon is the Sovereign Mother of God - it helps lonely people in search of the second half. You can turn to the shrine at a time of serious financial problems. Clergymen argue that the Mother of God can help in absolutely any situations, most importantly, turn to her with a pure soul and heart.