Prayer for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary for all occasions

The Annunciation is a great holiday, when the Mother of God met with the archangel Gabriel, and he informed her of the news of the birth of the Son of the Lord. This day falls on April 7, and this is the ideal time to turn to the Theotokos and ask her about your desire.

Prayer for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Clergymen assure that all the prayer texts in which the Mother of God is glorified can be pronounced on this day. If you read them from a pure soul and with good intentions, you can get what you want in a short time. The Mother of God is the most loving mother and strong woman, who accepted the torment and survived the death of her son. Basically, when the Annunciation comes, prayers on this day are pronounced by women, since this holiday is considered truly feminine.

Address to the Theotokos is necessary not only with requests, but also with thanksgiving words. Many are interested in what prayer to read in the Annunciation, so on this day you can ask for love, marriage, improving your financial situation, strengthening your health and so on. The Virgin helps worthy people who deserve help. There are several tips on how to correctly read the prayer for the Annunciation:

  1. You can pronounce words not only in the temple, but also at home, the main thing is to have the image of the Virgin before you.
  2. The text is better to learn, but if there is no way to do it, then rewrite it with your own hands and read. The main thing is to do it without stumbling and making mistakes.
  3. You can pray at any time, but it's best to do it in the morning at dawn. You can repeat the text in situations where there is a feeling that it is necessary.
  4. It is important to pray with pure thoughts and without bad thoughts. Otherwise, the Mother of God will help to tune in to the righteous path.
  5. Before you say the prayer text you need to tune in, calm down, clear your head of extraneous thoughts. In addition, it will not be superfluous to imagine for some time how the desired becomes a reality, for example, how the meeting with the second half occurred or the material situation improved.

Prayer for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary for good luck

It is difficult to find a person who refused to attend to good luck, which means that events in life will be formed, as well as possible and it will seem to the person that it is possible to conquer any summit. Prayer for Blagoveshchenie for good luck can be pronounced every day and before responsible events. It helps to build life in different spheres of life, to find hope in difficult situations, to get the energy charge to move on and not to stop.

Prayer in the Annunciation to Respect

It is not so easy to adjust relations with others, but you can take advantage of the help of the Virgin to soften the hearts of people and achieve respect. Orthodox prayer for the Annunciation can also be used at other times, for example, before meeting other people. It is important to take into account that it is possible to receive respect and favor of other people only with sincere attitude towards them.

Prayer for the Annunciation of Health

The most popular are sacred texts aimed at combating existing diseases or promoting health. There are prayers for the Annunciation, which belong to this group. Read them best near the image of the Virgin, which must be placed near the bed of a sick person. It is better to pray not only on church holidays , but also on other days, which is important for an early recovery.

Prayer in the Annunciation to fulfill the desire

Many people confirm that with the help of prayer appeals to the Theotokos they fulfilled their desires. It is important to understand that prayer on the Feast of the Annunciation only creates suitable situations and only in the power of man to use them to make their dreams a reality. Another important detail - the Mother of God helps to fulfill the desire only if it does not contradict the church canons. Clergymen argue that the secret desire represents spiritual purity, when worldly efforts become unimportant.

  1. Sit down at the table and put before you the image of the Virgin. Next, light three candles.
  2. For a while, visualize how the cherished desire became a reality.
  3. First you need to read the "Our Father" three times, crossed after each pronunciation.
  4. After this, the prayer to the Annunciation is read several times to fulfill the cherished desire. The number of repetitions each person determines for himself.
  5. At the end, be sure to cross the cross, and blow out the candles.

Prayer for the Annunciation on Wealth

In the modern world, financial stability is of great importance, which helps to simplify life in order to gain different benefits. Prayer to the Theotokos on the Annunciation attracts abundance and necessary situations, which can be used to earn good money and increase material prosperity. It is important to note that the Higher Forces help not just to get rich, but to get money to do something good, for example, to spend an expensive medicine and so on. Prayer for the Annunciation should not have bad thoughts.

Prayer for Love in the Annunciation

It is believed that the prayers given on church holidays are of tremendous power. Lonely people can turn to the Mother of God to find love. Prayer to the Theotokos on the day of the Annunciation helps to reveal its female appeal and attract the attention of the opposite sex in order to meet a worthy companion of life. It is important to have only good intentions and not to seek another person with the help of prayer.

Prayer for the Annunciation of Marriage

The sacred text helps to find happiness in relationships and achieve prosperity in the family. Prayers for the Annunciation, in order to marry, help to preserve feelings, to see not only children, but also grandchildren. They help restore the sacredness to the bonds of marriage and strengthen love. The presented prayer text can be pronounced not only on a holiday, but at any other time to go under the crown with a beloved person and create a strong marriage.

Prayers for the Annunciation, so that the husband does not change

Loyalty in relationships is an important foundation, but, according to statistics, many men periodically look to the side. Prayer on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is aimed at strengthening the trust between a man and a woman. Faith helps a man to be shielded from temptation. It is important to pronounce the text without any bad thoughts. Prayer text must be repeated three times, cardinally crossed after each and trusting in the power of the Lord.

Prayer in the Annunciation of Pregnancy

Many couples face problems in conception of a child, and often medicine does not give any chance of recovery, but do not despair, because you can ask for help from the Higher Forces. A strong prayer for the Annunciation addressed to the Theotokos, according to existing reviews, has already helped a large number of women become mothers. It is important to pronounce sacred words from a pure heart and without mercenary motives. Prayer for the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos should be repeated not only on a festive day, but also at another time before the desired becomes a reality.

Prayer for the Annunciation of Children

Orthodox parents should not only educate and support their child, but also pray for his well-being. Home prayer for the Annunciation of the health of children has a tremendous power capable of working miracles, if it is uttered from the heart. The text below is recommended to be repeated not only on a holiday, but also on other days, since only regular appeals to the Theotokos help. It is important not only to ask her for help, but also to thank for the gift of children.