Mangold - useful properties

Chard is a subspecies of beetroots, superficially similar to spinach. The stems of the vegetable can be yellow, white and green, and the foliage can be even and curly. This plant is valued not only for its attractive appearance, but also for its useful properties.

Benefit of chard beetroot

  1. The composition of the vegetable includes a whole range of nutrients, macro- and microelements. The most famous among them - fiber, B vitamins , as well as A, C, K, E, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper. This is just a short list of useful components.
  2. Beetroot chard has proved useful in the prevention of spring avitaminosis. Regular use of salads with the content of this vegetable helps to increase immunity and improve the performance of many body systems. It should be noted that in the chard contains a large number of pectin substances, so its use is not important for people with intestinal and gastric diseases.
  3. Chard is low in calories. Lovers of light and dietary products will be pleased to learn that 100 g of vegetable contains only 19 calories. It is important to remember that only leaves and stems should be used for food. They can be added to various sauces, soups, salads, casseroles, second courses, etc. Also, the plant is useful as a snack.
  4. It was found that chard improves well-being in the presence of neurosis and insomnia. It also beneficially affects the body of people with serious diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity , hypertension, cancer, anemia, hepatitis, kidney stone disease.
  5. It is important to note that the beneficial properties of chard have manifested themselves in the treatment of various inflammations. Boiled leaves can be applied to burns and abscesses. To relieve the inflammation of the eyes, it is necessary to apply to the eyelids gruel from pounded leaves. The juice of chard can be temporarily removed from the toothache, as well as to remove warts and freckles. Kashitsu from the root of the plant is used as a means for balding.

Contraindications chard

Freshly squeezed plant juice contains many volatile substances, so it can cause drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, as well as a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. To avoid these negative consequences, it is recommended to drink juice only two to three hours after pressing.

The benefits of chard for the body is invaluable, but for some reason the vegetable is still very popular. But there are more vitamins in it than in ordinary beets, so it is recommended that the plant include in its diet all people who are monitoring their health and appearance.