What is the name of Leonid

Leonid is characterized by optimism and confidence, at the heart of his aspirations is the interest in life.

The name Leonid is translated from Greek as "derived from a lion", "like a lion", "lion".

Origin of the name Leonid:

The name Leonid came from the ancient Greek language. He was given to boys who were to become warriors.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Leonid:

Since childhood, the Leonids are demanding of others and squeamish in everyday life. The Leonid child does not tolerate sloppiness, uncleanliness, tasteless and poorly cooked food. They are often painful, often injured and skipped school, but the success of this rarely suffers - the Leonids grasp knowledge on the fly and willingly catch up. They are painfully tidy and ambitious, in their early childhood they tend to adults and peers may be afraid.

Leonid usually clearly represents his profession and work and calmly and confidently goes to the chosen goal. The inner harmony between strength, confidence and curiosity awakens in him a strong interest in the new and unexplored. An excellent sense of time helps them to cope with all the tasks set. In his field, he achieves great successes, but he should avoid unreasonable risk and adventures-Leonid's not too sensitive intuition, although he is capable of rapid and accurate analysis of the situation.

Leonid is friendly, sociable and does not like quarrels and disputes. He is compliant, non-aggressive and diplomatic, but if he violates his moral principles, he can become rigid to cruelty, vindictive and vindictive. As a leader, he is rational and convincing, knows how to manage people, but he has nothing against obeying. With friends it is easy and laughable, loves joint trips to nature and willingly organizes them.

The fate of the Leonids is often difficult, with many ups and downs. The devastating life hardships can strengthen their natural isolation and suspiciousness. Many Leonids from the painful anxiety about their health become hypochondriacs. They carefully guard their pride, react sharply to public criticism.

On the love front Leonids are greedy and impetuous. Conquering a woman Leonid is as fast as a lion, however, she experiences an unfortunate misfortune, and lays her wounds for a long time. He is demanding, thirsts for constant changes, acute feelings and new impressions, and sometimes his darling just can not keep up with him. In addition to flexibility and resemblance to his own character, Leonid very much appreciates the quick and lively mind in his partner. Smart women do not scare him away, but attract him. In sexual life, selfish and dominant, but at the same time can be shy, not immediately "revealed".

Leonid expects much from marriage, it is difficult to live with him - he must constantly be surprised or, at least, not disappoint. Many families of Leonids disintegrated due to the fact that his wife did not cook deliciously or did not know how to serve the table and keep the house clean and cozy. Subconsciously yearns for new impressions, does not endure routine and low life. To children he is always affectionate and attentive, with parents - respectful. A fan of family and friendly gatherings.

Interesting facts about the name Leonid:

Born in spring and summer, Leonids are reliable and faithful in love, "autumn" - hardworking and gifted, "winter" - cold, possess an acute sense of justice.

Leonid's relations with women named Svetlana, Lyudmila, Alla, Natalia and Kira are successfully developing, but life with Zhanna, Tatiana and especially Galina can be difficult.

Name Leonid in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Leonid : Lenya, Lyonya, Lyokha, Lyosha, Leonidka, Leonia, Ledya, Lenya, Lesya, Lesia, Lyoka

Leonid - name : green

Flower Leonid : dog rose

Stone Leonid : amethyst