11 main yoga postures for beginners

Here you will find 11 poses of yoga especially for beginners, which will help you to easily start practicing!

1. The Mountains

The name in Sanskrit: Tadasana

Benefits: improves posture, a sense of balance, clears the mind, teaches deep breathing.

Instructions: just stand up, feet to the width of the pelvis, the weight is evenly distributed between the two legs. Slowly and deeply breathe with equal intervals of inspiration and expiration. Keep your head straight, try to align your neck and spine in one straight line. If you want, you can move your hands, if this does not prevent you from focusing - some prefer to fold their hands in a prayer pose, or pull them up for stretching.

2. The dog snouts down

The name in Sanskrit: Adho mukha svanasana

Benefits: improves blood circulation throughout the body, good stretching for calves and heels.

Instructions: stand up, hands and feet on the floor. Hands at the width of the shoulders, legs at the width of the pelvis. Lead your hands forward and spread your fingers for greater stability. Your body must take the form of an inverted V.

3. The Pose of the Warrior

The name in Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana

Use: strengthening and stretching the legs and ankle.

Instructions: put your feet about a meter apart. Turn the right leg 90 degrees and slightly left. Without lifting your shoulders, stretch your arms out to the sides with your hands. Bend the right knee at an angle of 90 degrees and keep the knee right above the foot, do not let it go much forward, beyond the line of your fingers. Focus on stretching your arms and stay in this pose, then do the same on the other leg.

4. Tree Pose

The name in Sanskrit: Vriksana

Benefits: improves balance, strengthens the muscles of the hips, calves, ankle, spine.

Instructions: Take the pose of the mountain. Then transfer the weight to your left leg. Holding the hips straight, place the foot of the right foot on the inner surface of the thigh of the left. Having reached balance, fold your palms in front of you in a pose of prayer and keep your balance. For complication, raise your hands up like in a mountain pose. Repeat from the other leg.

5. The Bridge

The name in Sanskrit: Setu bhanda

Benefits: strengthening of the chest, neck, spine and excellent warming up for exercises on the bridge.

Instructions: Lie on the floor, hands on the sides. With bent knees, rest your feet on the floor and lift up your hips. Then, put your hands under your back, fasten and stagger to the floor for better support. Raise the hips parallel to the floor and tighten the chest to the chin.

6. Pose of the triangle

The name in Sanskrit: Trikonasana

Benefits: stretching the whole body, strengthening the muscles of the hips, knees, getting rid of back pain. Suitable for pregnant women.

Instructions: Take the pose of the warrior, but do not sink to the knee. Then touch the inside of the right foot with the outer side of the right palm. Point your left palm to the ceiling. Point your gaze toward the left hand and stretch your back. Repeat from the other leg.

7. Twisting sitting

The name in Sanskrit : Ardha Matsiendrasana

Benefits: excellent stretching, especially after long hours spent sitting in the office. Shoulders, hips and neck work.

Instructions: sitting on the floor, stretch your legs. Put your right foot on the outside of your left foot. Bend the left knee, but keep the right knee pointing straight at the ceiling. Put your right hand on the floor behind you to maintain balance. Place the left elbow on the outside of the right knee. Twist to the right as much as you can, but so that the buttocks do not come off the floor. Repeat on the other side.

8. Dog face up

The name in Sanskrit: Urdhva mukha svanasana

Benefits: Stretching and strengthening of the spine, arms, wrists.

Instructions: Lie down on the floor face down, thumbs under the shoulders. Relying on your hands, lift up your chest. More advanced can lift the same hips and pelvis, leaning on straight legs.

9. Pose of a dove

The name in Sanskrit: Eka pad rajakapotasana

Use: opens the shoulders and chest, excellent stretching for the quadriceps muscle.

Instructions: start from the position for push-ups, with the palms under the shoulders. Lower your left knee to the floor, pulling it forward and pulling the foot to the right. Sit down, pulling the other leg back. You can lean forward slightly for better stretching.

10. Pose of the crow

The name in Sanskrit: Bakasana

Use: strengthens hands, wrists and press. A bit more complicated than the other poses, but the demonstration is a delight at any party.

Instructions: stand in a pose dog face down. Then walk your feet forward until your knees touch your hands. Gently bend your arms in the elbows, move the weight on your hands and lift the feet from the floor. Bend your knees in your hands. Use the muscles of the press to balance.

11. Pose of the child

The name in Sanskrit: Balasana

Benefits: posture of relaxation and soft stretching. Relieves back pain.

Instructions: Sit up straight, picking up your legs under yourself. Tilt the body forward and lower your forehead to the floor in front of you. Pull your arms forward and lower your chest and chin down as far as you can. Hold in this position, breathing smoothly and relaxed.

Start with these simple poses, and the result will not be long in coming!