What is the name of Vladislav

A man named Vladislav is often too ambitious. No less than prestige and glory, he loves money. Overly self-confident, impetuous and impulsive.

In translation from Serbian, Vladislav - "The owner of glory."

Origin of the name Vladislav:

The name has occurred at a combination of two words - "to own" and "glory". It was borrowed from the Polish language, originally pronounced, like Volodislav.

Character and interpretation of the name Vladislav:

One of the favorite activities of little Vladislav is a game with matches. He is drawn to the fire and everything that burns. The child is so impressed that a burning newspaper will impress him with a huge fire. In this case Vladislav panics and is lost, not knowing what to do. Most likely, he will run after neighbors or parents, but he will not flood the fire with water.

He enjoys talking with his mother. If she is upset for any reason, he will begin to comfort her, with words that he heard from other relatives in such situations. Since childhood, he is diplomatic with girls, respect for a woman keeps his whole life. The best girl in the class becomes an idol.

The nature of Vladislav is not simple. He has tremendous will power, steadfastness and openness. He has character traits that are hidden from others, so many believe that he is "on his own". Vlad does not try to argue to hoarseness: he will rather agree, but his opinion will not change. Vlad can play any role to achieve the goal, if it is not humiliating. When he feels that this or that is waiting for him, he will do it, even if he does not have such behavior, but will not forget for a second that this is just a game. Only alone with the closest people, Vlad can remain himself and, unexpectedly for everyone, frankly talk about his feelings and thoughts.

The bearers of this name have developed a sense of ethics. They are good musicians or artists, they also have literary talent. Vladislav will find his vocation in the profession, where a responsive and kind soul is needed - a teacher, a doctor, an educator. He is very hardworking. It has a sense of justice and decency. Injustice is painful, but it is not always possible to uphold the truth. Due to his perseverance, Vlad can quickly reach the position of leader.

Vlad has a huge willpower, and in any situation will retain its dignity. Another feature that Vlad possesses is irony. And the more he joins the collective, the stronger his irony manifests. But it is behind this quality that it is most convenient for him to hide his thoughts and feelings.

Vladislav attracts sensitive, gentle and weak women - those who will need his protection. He is annoyed by the ruddy women with male inclinations. A woman in combination with a cigarette and alcohol lead Vladislav into a frenzy. Only natural tactfulness does not give him the right to speak and show anger in the open. He is a homebody by his nature, a person who does not drink, he prefers home cosiness to parties. Helps his wife around the house, monogamous. She thinks that the wife does not want to change this husband to her husband, therefore, he does not demand loyalty from her.

Interesting facts about the name of Vladislav:

The name Vladislav was known in pagan names, then settled down in Christian society, and now, in the modern world, is also quite widespread and is one of the fashion names.

First name Vladislav in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Vladislav : Vlad, Vladislavka, Vladya, Vlada, Vadya, Vladik, Slava, Slavunia, Lada, Lada, Slavusya

Vladislav - name of color : blue

Flower of Vladislav : carnations

Stone of Vladislav : topaz