Stronger than Nostradamus: Albert the Great's predictions about the future are already coming true!

The most honest European predictor is absolutely unfairly considering Nostradamus. We refute this myth.

French alchemist and pharmacist - too controversial figure for such a loud title: his predictions are rather blurred and not tied to specific dates. Albert the Great, who lived from 1200 to 1280, made many much more accurate predictions, from which humanity can learn about his future.

Who was Albert the Great?

In history, there is always a place for individuals who have succeeded in everything, for whatever they take. Albert von Bolstedt was born in the earl's family: his condition was great, so he could never work at all. Idle laziness, Albert preferred science: he became a philosopher and interpreter of Aristotle's works. While people accused him of witchcraft and the creation of an artificial man (golem), he taught at the universities of Paris and Cologne. Albert never stopped working on books: he published 38 volumes of his own works on theology and philosophy. The last of these is a book called "Oracles", which is of particular interest to descendants.

The New Prophecies

Albert the Great was not interested in events that were close in chronology. All of his surprisingly detailed predictions refer to the future, coming 400-1000 years after his life. Their details surprised even experienced scientists-futurists:

"In the future, people will open a big bank away from the pillars of Hercules and this land will populate the northern peoples, making it a great state, at the head of which there will be a cross."

Albert the Great spoke about the United States of America - the settlers founded a variety of schools and directions of the Christian church on the new earth, which is still considered the main religion of the country. If in large cities religious beliefs are expectedly weakened, then it is enough to call in the province to understand how strong the love of Christ among Americans is.

"Germany will be thrice on the verge of victory over the whole world in the next 700 years."

The European country has really tried three times to subjugate the entire planet. At first, Charles V Habsburg could become simultaneously the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire and the King of Spain. In the XIX-XX centuries, Prussia decided to extend the influence of the German Empire. And the most bloody and cruel attempt of the Germans to capture the whole world was the Second World War, unleashed by Hitler.

"The German people will never be fully united, for Germany insulted the spirit of the ancient Romans."

What is humanity waiting for?

The King of the Barbarians, Geyserich, decided to destroy Rome in 455 and set it on fire. Angry, the Roman oracles cast a curse on the Germans. They wished that this people would never be one and divided into several tribes. To this day, Germans live in three different countries: Germany, Switzerland and Austria. There is no talk of unification and speech.

The fulfilled prophecies of Albert the Great leave no doubt that the scientist knew exactly what civilization awaits centuries later. All his predictions are extremely simple for perception:

"People will be addicted to cars, machine guns, but after a while they will throw them, as unnecessary children's toys."

Mankind has already embodied the first part of Albert's words: people created machines and robots for their convenience. But every year there is a growing confidence that cars will have to be abandoned: they pollute the environment with dangerous exhausts. In many countries of Europe and Asia, bicycles are gaining popularity as an environmentally friendly transport.

"After the death of Albert the Great, 700-800 years will pass and man will fly to the Moon and Mars. People will not stop and in the future they will fly to other planets and to other worlds. "

For the first time a man was able to set foot on the moon 700 years after the scientist left the world of the living. Colonize Mars is planned in about 25-30 years: by 2050 on the surface of the "red planet" people expect to live in conditions close to the terrestrial. If the conceived will be completed on time, the date of disembarkation will coincide with the 800th anniversary of the death of Albert the Great.

"Angels 1000 years after the death of Albert the Great will descend from heaven, as in the antediluvian times."

One of the crazy theories about the origin of life and world religions asserts that the first people on Earth were brought by aliens. Their later human fantasy and "turned" into angels who have supernatural abilities. Albert the Great was a deeply religious person and could not know about the "theory of aliens": in his time for such assumptions simply executed at the stake. Nevertheless, in the "Oracles" it is said about the arrival of angels from the sky, similar in description to the aliens.

"Islam will not exist more than 800 years after the death of Albert the Great."

Islam is one of the world religions, representatives of which can be found in every corner of the world. In the modern world, many people regard it negatively: Muslims are firmly associated with wars, terrorism and hostage-taking. If the scientist is right here, then there is no more than a few decades to exist in Islam.

"The most terrible tests of humanity will take place in the next 1000 years after the death of Albertus the Great, and then the Golden Age of mankind will come. New islands will rise from the ocean floor, and the ancient island will raise its peaks from the waters behind the Hercules pillars. "

Even in Ancient Egypt and Greece, it was predicted that with the rebirth of Atlantis humanity is waiting for a completely new era of life - without disease, death and natural disasters. To blossom people must come through suffering - so say the soothsayers of antiquity, and Albert the Great. The appearance of Atlantis can be expected off the coast of Brazil, near which two years ago fragments of an unknown continent were found.

"The world will be divided into three huge states, and only God will be able to resolve the dispute between them."

At the beginning of the 21st century, among all countries, those that are considered advanced in terms of population, nuclear power, and technologies were singled out: they are China, the United States and Russia.

The interests of each of them often collide with each other, so unity for political purposes seems utopian. Albert the Great knew about the forthcoming race of economics and armaments and invited the descendants to rely on the power of God, capable of granting peace to the world. Probably, this is the most necessary prophecy of the scientist, the realization of which all people on Earth are waiting for!