What kind of laxative can you do during pregnancy?

Providing the life of two hearts is a colossal work, on which the organism of a pregnant woman begins to be adjusted even before the test shows the two coveted cords. To this work are prepared all the organs of the mother's organism, including the digestive system. Just like the pelvic organs, the smooth muscles of the intestine are exposed to the hormone progesterone - its main action is aimed at suppressing the contractile function. Because of this, already at the beginning of pregnancy, women face such a delicate problem as constipation.

Difficulties with emptying can disturb the woman and at late terms, so at about the 20th week the uterus reaches impressive sizes - presses on the intestine and significantly reduces its activity.

Today we will focus on the question of what laxatives can be taken during pregnancy, and whether it is possible to solve such an unpleasant problem without taking medications.

What laxative is better for pregnant women?

Answering the question, what laxatives can be pregnant, doctors do not advise to hurry with taking medications. Observing the correct regime of the day, enriching the diet with fiber, drinking the prescribed amount of fluid in unopened cases, you can achieve the normalization of the stool in a short period of time. But, unfortunately, there are situations when you can not do without special drugs. Of course, resorting to medication without consulting a doctor is not worth it, because not all drugs are allowed to be taken by pregnant women. To understand what kind of laxative can be during pregnancy, you need to understand the principle of its action and get acquainted with the composition of the drug. So, from the list of laxatives we can distinguish:

  1. Intestinal motility stimulants such as Guttalax, as well as combined preparations with herbal extracts of hay are forbidden for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. Because they can cause uterine contractions and interruption of pregnancy.
  2. Laxative teas. Predominantly all contain in its composition Senu, which stimulates the immune reactions of the body, the root of licorice, which delays the fluid in the body and leads to an increase in blood pressure. These herbal components are contraindicated during pregnancy.
  3. Microclysters and candles. These are conventional candles with glycerine and ready-to-use microclysters ( Mikrolaks ) - ideal for pregnant women. The drugs have a local effect, soften the stool and facilitate the process of their excretion.
  4. Means of osmotic action. If we talk about what laxatives can be pregnant, both in the early and late periods, it is necessary to isolate drugs of this group. In particular, Dufalac, Normase, Portalac, when mixed with water, swell in the intestine, increasing the volume of feces and diluting it.