Ointment for back pain

Discomfort along the spinal column can occur for various reasons, therefore, before using systemic drugs in the form of tablets or injections, it is better to apply a local analgesic. Ointment from back pain helps to quickly normalize the state of health, eliminate unpleasant sensations and restore the mobility of the spine. In addition, its use hardly affects the activity of internal organs.

What ointments are better for back pain?

In accordance with the mechanism of work and active substances, all medications under consideration can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  1. Locally irritating ointment. Such drugs produce a warming effect, which distracts from the pain syndrome. They promote the strengthening of local blood circulation by expanding the vessels, improving the supply of soft and articular tissues, stimulating metabolic processes.
  2. Anti-inflammatory ointment. The drugs contain non-steroidal analgesics, which, after absorption into the bloodstream, quickly stop inflammation, relieve swelling and discomfort. Such an analgesic ointment is recommended for severe back pain, but the course of therapy should be short.
  3. Chondroprotector. These medicines help to restore cartilaginous tissue by improving metabolism. Such drugs stimulate the trophic in the ligaments and the cervical muscles, ligaments, support the production of a sufficient amount of synovial fluid.

Heating and distracting ointments from pain in the muscles of the back

The presented group of drugs is needed to treat lumbago, infringement of nerve roots, including sciatic, myalgia, pain due to hypothermia or mechanical trauma.

List of effective topical ointments:

It is important to remember that applying these medications can provoke an allergic reaction to the skin, irritation and redness. Therefore, a sensitivity test should be carried out beforehand for the components of the preparation.

Good anti-inflammatory ointments for back pain

Local non-steroidal analgesics are good for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, especially in the lumbosacral area, postoperative and post-traumatic pain syndromes, sciatica, are used in the complex treatment of lumbago.

Effective anti-inflammatory ointments:

These ointments rarely cause allergic reactions and do not irritate the skin.

List of ointments for back pain for the treatment of osteochondrosis and spinal injuries

Chondroprotectors have a weak analgesic ability, but with the accumulation of active substances in tissues, the metabolic processes and nutrition of the vertebrae are normalized, so the pain syndrome also disappears. Such medications provide effective therapy degenerative diseases of the spine.

The list of ointments-chondroprotectors:

As a rule, these medications are used in the complex treatment of pain, simultaneously with systemic analgesics.